Love Anniversary Quotes Biography
Source( it’s not the most classic vision of contemporary marriage, but a fiery redhead and a smooth Latin lover managed to make it work, capturing our hearts every weekend on TV and becoming one of the most loved couples in Hollywood history.Lucille Ball was born August 6, 1911 in Jamestown, New York. Her dreams of Hollywood drew her west, and after an uncredited stint as one of the Goldwyn Girls in Roman Scandals (1933) she made Hollywood her permanent home so that she could pursue a career in films. She appeared in many small movie roles in the ‘30s as a contract player for RKO Radio Pictures, including a two-reel comedy short with the Three Stooges(Three Little Pigskins, 1934) and a movie with the Marx Brothers (Room Service, 1938).
She had heard a lot about a Latin lover from New York City, but when Lucille Ball first laid eyes on the Cuban-born Desi Arnaz on the set of the 1940’s musical Too Many Girls, she concluded that someone had sold her a bill of goods. “Desi was in greasy makeup and old clothes, and I thought he wasn’t so hot,” Lucy later recalled. The feeling was mutual. “This is an ingénue?” Desi asked director George Abbott when he saw Lucy’s bedraggled costume and fake black eye.
“I had started calling her Lucy shortly after we met; I didn’t like the name Lucille. That’s how our television show was called I Love Lucy, not Lucille.” –Desi Arnaz
When they got past the makeup, though, the chemistry was irresistible. “You could tell the sparks were flying with Lucy,” says Eddie Bracken, a costar in the film. “It happened so fast it seemed it wouldn’t last. Everybody on the set made bets about how long it would last.” But the 28-year-old B-movie queen and the 23-year-old Cuban bandleader were enthralled. “She talked about Desi all the time,” recalls her friend, actress Maureen O’Hara. “I said, ‘Go ahead and marry him if you love him.’” Six months later they did, forming a union that would produce an entertainment empire, two children, and one of the most popular television series of all time.
“How I Love Lucy was born? We decided that instead of divorce lawyers profiting from our mistakes, we’d profit from them.” –Lucille Ball
Desperate for a way to spend more time together, which meant getting Desi off the road, the pair created I Love Lucy. To prove that they could make the sitcom work, Arnaz and Ball formed Desilu Productions (the very first independent television production company) and used $5,000 of their own money to produce the pilot for I Love Lucy. In doing so, Arnaz and Ball made themselves their own bosses, and provided their product to CBS rather than working directly for the network or a sponsor, which was then the common practice in television.
“I’m sometimes scared of everything that has happened to us. We didn’t think Desilu Productions would grow so big. We merely wanted to be together and have two children.”–Lucille Ball
The shooting schedule gave them a chance to work on their relationship and finally have children. “All their hopes, plans and dreams for a happy future were wrapped up in that TV sitcom,” writes daughter Lucie Arnaz in her introduction to the recent book, I Love Lucy.
But as their dynasty grew, Desi worked 14-hour days and spent weekends on his boat with his latest “hot tamale.” The stress wore on the marriage, with Desi often exploding in abusive fits of temper. Once Lucy aimed a gun at Desi’s head and even pulled the trigger. When only a tiny flame spurted from the muzzle, Desi stepped up and lit his cigar.
“Lucy and I would love furiously and fight furiously.”–Desi Arnaz
“It got so bad that I thought it would be better for us not to be together,” Lucy said in court when they divorced in 1960. Lucy enjoyed a fulfilling, 28-year-marriage to comedian Gary Morton; Desi retired, selling his share of Desilu Studios to his ex-wife, and married his neighbor Edie Hirsch. But Lucy remained Desi’s loyal defender, visiting his deathbed in 1986. Ten years earlier, in his autobiography, Desi wrote of Lucy, “All I can say is that I loved her very much and, in my own peculiar way, I will always love her.”
“I hate failure and that divorce was a Number One failure in my eyes. It was the worst period of my life. Neither Desi nor I have been the same since, physically or mentally.”–Lucille Ball
Arnaz was diagnosed with lung cancer in 1986. He died several months later on December 2, 1986, at the age of 69. Lucille telephoned him two days before his death, on what would have been their 46th wedding anniversary. They shared a few words, mostly “I love you.” She said, “All right, honey. I’ll talk to you later.”
This largest collection of William Shakespeare love quotes. Reading through these selections from his sonnets and plays, you'll appreciate how William Shakespeare quotes love in his writings. You'll also find sayings from movies related to Shakespeare such as Shakespeare in Love quotes. These William Shakespeare quotes on love wonderfully depict the feeling and emotion of love that transcends time.
You will never age for me, nor fade, nor die.
-- Shakespeare in Love
Love denied blights the soul we owe to God.
-- Shakespeare in Love
My story starts at sea, a perilous voyage to an unknown land. A shipwreck. The wild waters roar and heave. The brave vessel is dashed all to pieces. And all the helpless souls within her drowned. All save one. A lady. Whose soul is greater than the ocean, and her spirit stronger than the sea's embrace. Not for her a watery end, but a new life beginning on a stranger shore. It will be a love story. For she will be my heroine for all time. And her name will be Viola.
-- Shakespeare in Love
Now join your hands, and with your hands your hearts.
-- Henry VI, Part 3 | Act 4, Scene 6
They do not love that do not show their love.
-- Two Gentlemen from Verona | Act 1, Scene 2
The course of true love never did run smooth.
-- A Midsummer Night's Dream | Act 1, Scene 1
For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings,
That then I scorn to change my state with kings.
-- Sonnet 29
I'll follow thee and make a heaven of hell,
To die upon the hand I love so well
-- A Midsummer Night's Dream | Act 2, Scene 1
In thy face I see the map of honor, truth and loyalty.
-- Henry VI, Part 2 | Act 3, Scene 1
Love is too young to know what conscience is.
-- Sonnet 151
Love goes toward love.
-- Romeo and Juliet | Act 2, Scene 2
Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove.
O, no! It is an ever-fixed mark,
That looks on tempests and is never shaken.
It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
-- Sonnet 116
Love is a smoke raised with the fume of sighs,
Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers' eyes,
Being vexed, a sea nourished with lovers' tears.
What is it else? A madness most discreet,
A choking gall and a preserving sweet.
-- Romeo and Juliet | Act 1, Scene 1
Having nothing, nothing can he lose.
-- Henry VI, Part 3 | Act 3, Scene 3
Faith, there hath been many great men that have flattered the people who never loved them.
-- Coriolanus | Act 2, Scene 2
Go to your bosom: Knock there, and ask your heart what it doth know.
-- Measure for Measure | Act 2, Scene 2
A kind heart he hath: a woman would run through fire and water for such a kind heart.
-- Merry Wives of Windsor | Act 3, Scene 4
Love is a spirit all compact of fire.
-- Venus and Adonis
My bounty is as deep as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite.
-- Romeo and Juliet | Act 2, Scene 2
My heart is ever at your service.
-- Timon of Athens | Act 1, Scene 2
So they loved as love in twain
Had the essence but in one;
Two distinct, divisions none...
-- The Phoenix And The Turtle
One half of me is yours, the other half yours-
Mine own, I would say; but if mine, then yours,
And so all yours!
-- Merchant of Venice | Act 3, Scene 2
Love comforteth like sunshine after rain,
But Lust's effect is tempest after sun;
Love's gentle spring doth always fresh remain,
Lust's winter comes ere summer half be done;
Love surfeits not, Lust like a glutton dies;
Love is all truth, Lust full of forged lies.
-- Venus and Adonis
Words, words, mere words, no matter from the heart.
-- Troiles and Cressida | Act 5, Scene 3
Such is my love, to thee I so belong,
That for thy right myself will bear all wrong.
-- Sonnet 88
Doubt thou the stars are fire,
Doubt the sun doth move,
Doubt truth to be a liar
but never doubt thy love.
-- Hamlet | Act 2, Scene 2
I'll say she looks as clear as morning roses newly washed with dew.
-- Taming of the Shrew | Act 2, Scene 1
No sooner met but they looked;
No sooner looked but they loved;
No sooner loved but they sighed;
No sooner signed but they asked one another the reason;
No sooner knew the reason but they sought the remedy;
And in these degrees have they made a pair of stairs to marriage...
-- As You Like It | Act 5, Scene 2
Journey's end in lovers meeting.
-- Twelfth Night | Act 2, Scene 3
If music be the food of love, play on.
-- Twelfth Night | Act 1, Scene 1
The lunatic, the lover, and the poet, are of imagination all compact.
-- Midsummer Night's Dream | Act 5, Scene 1
The wheel is come full circle.
-- King Lear | Act 5, Scene 3
To be, or not to be, that is the question.
-- Hamlet | Act 3, Scene 1
Men's vows are women's traitors.
-- Cymbeline | Act 3, Scene 4
It is the stars, The stars above us, govern our conditions.
-- King Lear | Act 4, Scene 3
If you have tears, prepare to shed them now.
-- Julius Caesar | Act 3. Scene 2
He that loves to be flattered is worth o' the flatterer.
-- Timon of Athens | Act 1, Scene 1
Is it not strange that desire should so many years outlive performance?
-- Henry IV, Part 2 | Act 2, Scene 4
I was adored once too.
-- Twelfth Night | Act 2, Scene 3
Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
-- All's Well That Ends Well | Act 1, Scene 1
This above all: to thine ownself be true.
-- Hamlet | Act 1, Scene 3
Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs.
-- Romeo and Juliet | Act 1, Scene 1
Love is a familiar. Love is a devil. There is no evil angel but Love.
-- Love's Labour's Lost | Act 1, Scene 2
This is the very ecstasy of love.
-- Hamlet | Act 2, Scene 1
For you and I are past our dancing days.
-- Romeo and Juliet | Act 1, Scene 5
Such as we are made of, such we be.
-- Twelfth Night | Act 2, Scene 2
I bear a charmed life.
-- Macbeth | Act 5, Scene 8
Most dangerous is that temptation that doth goad us on to sin in loving virtue.
-- Measure for Measure | Act 2, Scene 2
Then come kiss me, sweet and twenty.
-- Twelfth Night | Act 2, Scene 3
As chaste as unsunned snow.
-- Cymbeline | Act 2, Scene 5
For ever and a day.
-- As You Like It | Act 4, Scene
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