Anniversary Quotes For Husband Biography
As a young woman, becoming a painter was not a part of Frida's career goals. Her goal in life was to become a doctor but a tragic accident at age 18 changed the course of her life forever.
Frida's life began where it ended… in the "Blue House" built by her father in Coyoacán, Mexico, then a suburb of Mexico City. Her official birth certificate says she was born Magdalena Carmen Frieda Calderon at 8:30am on July 6th, 1907. But, in later years, Frida proudly claimed to have been born at 1:00am on July 7th, 1910, to coincide with the date the Mexican Revolution began, but actually she changed the date to simply make herself younger. She later changed the German spelling of her name from "Frieda" to "Frida". She was the third of four daughters born to a Hungarian/German-Jewish father and a mother of Spanish and Mexican Indian descent: Matilde (1898-1951), Adriana (1902-1968), Frida (1907-1954) and Cristina (1908-1964).
Frida's father, Wilhelm Kahlo, was the son of jeweler Jakob Heinrich Kahlo and Henriette Kaufmann. He arrived in Mexico in 1891 at the age of 19 with little money and "No Hablo Español". Once in Mexico, he changed his German name, Wilhelm Kahlo, to a more Spanish name "Guillermo Kahlo", traded his Jewish religion for atheism, and never looked back. He found employment at a fashionable jewelry store in Mexico City that was owned by the Diener brothers. Soon after his arrival in Mexico, he married Maria Cardena and had three girls with her, the second of which died days after her birth and his wife Maria herself died following the birth of their third infant, leaving Guillermo alone with his two young daughters, Maria Luisa (b. 1894) and Margarita (b.1898). Kahlo himself was not a well man, he suffered from epilepsy throughout his entire life.
On the night of Maria Cardena's death in 1898, Guillermo asked for the hand of Frida's mother, Matilde Calderón y Gonzalez , a 24 year old fellow worker at the jewelry store where Guillermo was employed. Guillermo married Matilde who was a devout Catholic and a native born "mestizo" Mexican (Matilde's mother was Spanish and her father of Mexican/Indian descent ). The Calderon-Kahlo marriage was not a match made in heaven. Matilde later confessed to her young daughter Frida that she did not love Guillermo. She only married Guillermo because he was German and he reminded her of a previous young German lover, Luis Bauer, who had committed suicide in her presence. Shortly after the marriage, Guillermo's two young daughters from his previous marriage were sent away to a nun's school. It was from Matilde's father that Guillermo learned the trade of photography and he set himself up in business as a professional photographer.
When Matilde became pregnant with Frida, she had just lost her only son who died of pneumonia just days after birth. After giving birth to Frida, Matilde was too ill to care for or even to feed her newborn daughter. Frida had to be breastfed by an Indian wet-nurse whom the Kahlo's hired for that specific purpose. This may be the reason that Frida never formed a strong mother-daughter bond with her mother. Frida's wet-nurse experience was the inspiration for her 1937 painting "My Nurse & I". The wet-nurse was eventually fired for drinking on the job.
At age 6, Frida was struck with polio affecting the use of her right leg. Her leg grew very thin, and her foot was stunted in its growth. During her nine month convalescence, her father made sure that she regularly exercised the muscles in her leg and foot. Despite their efforts, her leg and foot remained deformed. Frida attempted to hide it by wearing pants, long skirts or two pairs of socks on her right foot. She was cruelly nicknamed "peg-leg Frida" by her childhood classmates.
In 1922, after completion of her primary education at the Colegio Aleman, Mexico's German school, Frida enrolled at the Escuela National Preparatoria school, where she hoped to become a doctor. The school was located in Mexico City, an hour bus ride from Coyoacan. Frida was one of only 35 girls to attend this prestigious school of 2000 students. Frida's mother did not approve of sending Frida to a school so far from home and further thought it was unnecessary for a young woman to acquire such a formal education. After all, she had taught Frida to cook, sew and clean…all of the skills a woman of those days needed. But Frida's father had great hopes for his "favorite daughter" and was determined to see that she got the best education possible.
At first, Frida thrived on the intellectual and cultural stimulation at the school. By age 16 Frida was able to read not only in Spanish but English and German as well. But Frida soon became bored with the teachers, classes and her classmates and often skipped classes. She became a member of the "Cachuchas", a political group that supported socialist-nationalist ideas and devoted themselves intensively to literature and mischief. The group consisted of 7 boys and 2 girls. The leader of the group was Alejandro Gomez Arias, a law student, journalist and later Frida's first lover. The group would often play pranks on unsuspecting students and teachers. For one of the more serious pranks, Frida was expelled but quickly managed to get the suspension revoked before her family learned of the incident.
During this same period, the "Mexican Renaissance" movement began. The government sponsored local artists to paint murals in churches, schools, libraries, and public buildings. It was at the Preparatioria school that Frida first learned of Diego Rivera, who was painting his mural "Creation" at the school's Simon Bolivar auditorium. Although students were forbidden to enter the auditorium while "El Maestro" was working, Frida would hide in the back and watch him for hours. She became fascinated by the "larger than life" man whom she nicknamed "Panzon" (fat belly). One day she shocked a friend by telling her that she one day wanted to have a child by Diego Rivera.
In September of 1925, Frida was in her senior year and looking forward to graduation and already making plans to attend medical school. But, September 17, 1925 would become the day in which Frida's destiny was changed forever. On that day, Frida and her boyfriend, Alejandro, got onto the bus to head home from school. Shortly afterwards, the bus was stuck broadside by a trolley car. Frida sustained multiple injuries; a broken pelvic bone, spinal column, and other severe injuries, leading doctors to doubt whether she would survive. She spent the next several months in bed recovering from the accident. Little did she know at the time that she would endure some 30 operations throughout her lifetime in an attempt to correct the damage sustained in that accident. Doctor's told Frida that she would probably never be able to carry a child to full term. This accident changed the course of her life forever. It was during her months of convalescence that Frida began to take painting seriously. Her only previous artistic tuition had been a few drawing lessons from the commercial printmaker Fernando Fernandez, for whom Frida worked part-time as a paid apprentice.
Frida's father, an amateur artist, gave Frida his paints and brushes and her mother had a carpenter constructed an easel that sat on her bed. A large mirror was mounted on the underside of the bed canopy so Frida could see herself. She began by painting portraits of herself, friends and still life. Throughout Frida's short life, she created 143 paintings, most of which were self-portraits and still life. Frida feared that after her death she would be forgotten and self-portraits were her way of immortalizing herself.
In 1926, Frida painted her first self-portrait: "Self-Portrait in a Velvet Dress", her first serious work and the first of many self-portraits to come. It was painted as a gift for her boyfriend, Alejandro, who had left her suspecting her of infidelities. Alejandro admired Italian Renaissance art and would often give Frida reproductions of Old Masters paintings. "Self-Portrait in a Velvet Dress" is Frida's interpretation of Botticelli's "Venus" which Alejandro admired.
Frida started the self-portrait in March of 1926 and finished it in September. Prior to sending the painting to Alejandro she wrote him a note of apology:
"Within a few days the portrait will be in your house. Forgive me for sending it without a frame. I implore you to put it in a low place where you can see it as if you were looking at me."
In March of 1927, Alejandro's parents sent him on a four month tour of Europe with his uncle….mainly to separate him from Frida of whom they did not approve. By then Alejandro had also grown tired of Frida and wanted to escape from her "possessive" grip. While he was away, Frida wrote to him often to express her feelings and love for him. Alejandro was supposed to return in July but July came and went and Alejandro was still in Europe. When he finally returned in November there was a brief reconciliation with Frida but soon their relationship diminished and they drifted apart.
By the end of 1927, Frida's health had recovered to the extent that she was once more living a largely "normal" life. Although her school friends had already graduated and moved on to the university, she resumed contact with them and joined the Young Communist League.
At the start of 1928, a friend from her school days introduced her to a group of young people centered around the Cuban Communist Julio Antonio Mella, who was currently in exile in Mexico. One of the group members was the photographer and silent film star Tina Modotti, the lover of Mella and an acquaintance of Diego Rivera. It was at a party hosted by Modotti that Frida finally met Diego Rivera face-to-face for the first time. Frida described their first encounter as distant until Diego pulled his pistol and shot the phonograph. It was then she said: "…that I began to be interested in him although I was also afraid of him". Frida left the party that night without ever speaking to Diego.
Soon after, Frida showed Diego some of her paintings and asked him what he thought of her own efforts and whether he considered her talented. "You have talent..." Diego told her and encouraged her to continue painting. Diego was not only impressed by her paintings but with Frida herself and began courting her. It was during their courtship that Diego suggested Kahlo begin wearing traditional Mexican clothing, which consisted of long, colorful dresses and exotic jewelry.
Diego incorporated a portrait of Frida into his "Ballad of the Revolution" mural in the Ministry of Public Education. She appears in a panel he called "Frida Kahlo Distributes the Weapons". Dressed in a black skirt and red shirt, and wearing a red star on her breast, she is shown as a member of the Mexican Communist Party, which she in fact joined in 1928. Rivera continued to be a frequent visitor at the "Blue House".
On August 21, 1929, in a civil ceremony in the town hall of Coyoacán and wearing clothes borrowed from her Indian maid, Frida Kahlo married Diego Rivera. Diego was 42 years old, 6' 1" and 300 pounds; Frida was 22, 5'3" and just 98 pounds. Frida's mother did not approve of the union and did not attend the wedding ceremony. She said that Diego was too old, too fat and worse yet he was a Communist and an atheist. She described the marriage as being: "… the marriage between an elephant and a dove." Frida's father however, an atheist himself, was less resistant to the marriage and did attend the wedding ceremony. He understood that Diego had the financial means to provide for his daughter's medical needs. On one of Diego's frequent visits to the Kahlo home, Frida's father took Diego aside and said, "My daughter is sick and always will be….she's intelligent but not pretty…I see that you are interested in my daughter…eh..?" When Rivera replied that he was, Kahlo said, "She is a devil". "I know…" Diego replied. "Well, I've warned you," Kahlo said and left the room. Frida's father was the only one to attend the wedding ceremony. Some of Frida's friends were shocked by her choice while others saw it as a way to advance her own career as an artist.
The local newspaper, La Prensa, described the wedding as "…modest, without ostentation, without pompous and unpretentious". The article started by identifying Frida as "….one of his [Diego's] disciples" and then went on to describe her attire as "…very simple street clothes". After the wedding Frida moved out of the Blue House to live with Diego in the center of the city.
At the wedding reception that followed, Diego proceeded to get obnoxiously drunk. In a drunken rage he broke another mans little finger, broke several items on the table and brandished his pistol. Frida was furious at his behavior. They argued and Frida left in tears.
Frida soon became pregnant but had to undergo an abortion because the fetus was incorrectly positioned due to her fractured pelvis. Frida disparately wanted a child but Diego did not want children partly because his painting commissions obligated them to travel a great deal.
Shortly after their marriage, Diego was expelled from the Communist Party after accepting another commission from the Mexican government. As a result of Diego's expulsion, Frida also left the Communist Party.
During this period, the North Americans were very interested in the cultural development of the so-called "Mexican Renaissance" movement in Mexico. The United States represented a powerful magnet for Mexican artists to profit from its more strongly developed art market. Rivera was determined to capitalize on the opportunity and accepted a commission to paint murals for the San Francisco Stock Exchange and the California School of Fine Arts.
On November 10th, 1930, the newly-wed couple left Mexico for a three-year sojourn in the United States. Their first stop was San Francisco where Diego was commissioned to paint murals in the San Francisco Stock Exchange Luncheon Club and the California School of Fine Arts (San Francisco Art Institute). They moved into a large studio at 716 Montgomery Street that belonged to Ralph Stackpole, San Francisco's leading artist in the 1920s and 1930s. Although they arrived at the beginning of the "Great Depression", there always seemed to be money for murals and lavish welcoming parties. San Francisco's elite society idolized Diego but scrutinized Frida as just an object of curiosity. Other than her trips to China Town where she fell in love with the Chinese children, Frida was unimpressed with San Francisco. She avoided the people whom she described as "boring" and "they all have faces like unbaked rolls". In a letter to her friend, Isabel Campos, Frida wrote: "I have no women friends…and that's why I spend my time painting".
Up to this point, Frida had painted only to amuse herself and never considered herself to be an artist. She would often accompany Diego to his worksite and paint small paintings on pieces of tin or board. In 1931, while in San Francisco, Frida painted "Frieda and Diego Rivera", a folkloric style double-portrait that may have been based on a wedding photograph. The painting, shown at the "Sixth Annual Exhibition of the San Francisco Society of Women Artists", was the first public showing of her work. A San Francisco newspaper article described the work as being "…valuable only because it was painted by the wife of Diego Rivera".
The couple remained in San Francisco while Diego worked on the commissioned murals. During this time, the pain and deformity in Frida's right leg worsened and she was hospitalized. There she met Dr. Leo Eloesser, a well-known surgeon. He diagnosed her physical problems as being stress related and recommended bed rest and a healthy diet. Dr Eloesser became Frida's friend and most trusted medical advisor for the rest of her life. Frida painted his portrait as an expression of her gratitude for his friendship and medical advice.
The Rivera's planed to return together to Mexico on June 8th after Diego finished the murals. Frida, however, bored with "Gringolandia", left in May. Diego left on June 8th as scheduled. While back in Mexico, Frida met the Hungarian born photographer Nickolas Muray who was vacationing in Mexico and visiting friends. Muray was a well known and socially prominent fashion photographer from New York. They were immediately attracted to one another and began a secret "on-again/off-again" love affair that would last for nearly 10 years.
In November the Rivera's sailed aboard the Morro Castle to New York to attend the opening of Diego's retrospective exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art on December 22. Upon their arrival in New York, the couple was greeted by New York's rich and famous but the spotlight again was on Diego. Frida was simply referred to as "the young Mexican girl on the arm of Diego Rivera" and described as "shy" and "...did a bit of painting herself". In New York, as in San Francisco, Frida was ignored as an artist and had no identity of her own. She continued to be referred to only as "Mrs. Rivera". Diego's exhibit consisted of 150 works and 8 mural panels. The show was an over whelming success...only adding to Diego's popularity and status.
In April of 1932, the couple moved to Detroit where Rivera had been awarded a commission from the Ford Motor Company to paint a mural at the Detroit Institute of Arts. While in Detroit, they stayed in a one-bedroom furnished apartment in the Wardell, a large residential hotel. The hotel was conveniently located at 15 Kirby East and Woodward Avenue, across the street from the Detroit Institute of Arts where Diego would be working. Having lived in cosmopolitan New York, Frida was not impressed with Detroit....she referred to it as "a shabby old village". Frida became pregnant once again but after only three and a half months her second pregnancy ended in miscarriage at the Henry Ford Hospital. Diego never wanted children and Frida knew it. She took quinine in an attempt to abort, but it did not happen right away. On July 4th, Frida was hospitalized with severe hemorrhaging and later suffered a miscarriage. She spent the next 13 days recovering in the hospital. Her painting "Henry Ford Hospital" documents every aspect of the tragic event.
In early September of 1932, Frida received word that her mother was gravely ill. She and her friend Lucienne Bloch returned to Mexico. On September 8 they arrived in Coyoacán and on September 15, Frida's mother died after suffering from breast cancer and gall-bladder surgery just two days earlier. Despite Frida's attempts to bond with her mother, they always remained distant. She referred to her mother as "El Jefe"....(The Boss). Frida recalled that "I have my father's eyes and my mother's body". Frida was her father's favorite daughter. "She is the most intelligent of all my daughters and the most like me" he would say.
On October 21, Kahlo and Bloch returned to Detroit where Diego continued work on his murals. After completing the Detroit murals in March of 1933, Diego and Frida traveled to New York City where Rivera was commissioned to paint a mural in the Rockefeller Center. While Diego painted the mural, Frida began work on her painting "My Dress Hangs There"… a painting that expressed her discontentment with the United States, its social decay and its fundamental human values. In this painting, Frida expresses her dim view of the United States which is just the opposite view of Diego's who was expressing his approval of the industrial progress in his own mural. Frida was homesick and wanted to return to Mexico but Diego insisted that it was for the best if they stayed in the United States.
In early May, Rockefeller confronted Rivera about the use of Lenin's portrait in the mural. Rockefeller pleaded with Rivera to paint over the portrait but Rivera refused, reminding Rockefeller that he had reviewed the preliminary sketches and approved them. As a compromise, Rivera offered to include a bust of Abraham Lincoln...but no deal. On May 9th, 1933, Rivera's Rockefeller Center commission was abruptly terminated and the unfinished mural was destroyed. Four days later, General Motors canceled the Chicago World's Fair commission.
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj (February 19, 1627 - April 3, 1680) is a principle of effulgence, rather a divine inspiration. He is certainly not human, he is God. Shivaji Maharaj is a Primal God who took birth in a divine and pure culture. In history, no other religion has produced such an immaculate personality. One has yet to see a monarch who despite being powerful did not use his powers to torment, who despite being glorified was not arrogant, who conquered valorous enemies and who despite being a human functioned as a God !
Quote: People who sing and dance in a procession organised to celebrate the birth anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj will never understand his importance. However the one who puts in efforts like him will be able perceive his greatness and surrender at his feet!
- H.H. Dr. Jayant Athavale, Sanatan Sanstha
Biography of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj
Shivaji Maharaj : Inspiration to protect Hinduism!
Talk about Muslims in Shivaji Maharaj's army and their valorous deeds!
Promotion of Sanskrut by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj !
Consequences of not receiving inspiration from Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj
Subjects being fully aware of the struggle between Righteousness and unrighteousness !
Beautiful flowers blossom from the creeper of Bharatiya Rajdharma!
Quotes about Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj
Samartha Ramdas Swami, Spiritual Guru of Shivaji Maharaj
H. Sambhaji Rao Bhide Guruji, Founder, Shivapratishthan, Maharashtra
A contemporary poet named Bhushan
Defamation of Shivaji Maharaj by modern Aurangzebs! !imp!
What YOU can do?
Shivaji Maharaj : An everflowing spring of inspiration
shivaji-maharaj-smallShivaji Maharaj and his biography has an answer for any problem faced by a Hindu or Indian politicians; however for this purpose the biography should be read with shrewdness and insight. If read by Hindus with the immoderate vision of Gandhi with respect to non-violence, truth, pleasing Muslims, or through the coloured spectacles of Nehru, who with the concept of 'all religions are equal', meted out inferior treatment to Hindus, then Hindus will not even become aware of when they were circumscribed ! Gandhi, Nehru and their descendants had created terror in the minds of the people about what they would have to suffer if they even uttered the name of Shivaji Maharaj. Shivaji Maharaj has been totally eliminated today from the history text books at the Secondary school level. History on Shivaji Maharaj is taught and finished in the 3rd or 4th standards as if they are fairy tales for children to read and forget. Politicians have ensured that the youth and adults do not get any inspiration from the biography of Shivaji Maharaj simply because it is an ever flowing spring of inspiration for Hindus ! This article is a small effort made to get a sip of water from this pure spring on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Shivaji Maharaj tomorrow ! - Compiler: Shri. Sanjay Mulye, Ratnagiri
Shivaji Maharaj’s inspiration to protect Hinduism !
shivaji-maharaj-bhavanimataShivaji Maharaj was fully aware that he had to fight the Mughals since childhood . In his book 'Chatrapati Shivaji Maharajanche Saptaprakaranatmak Charitra’ Malhar Ramrav Chitnis has described the mindset of Prince Shivaji when living with his father Shahajiraje at Vijapur. He pens Prince Shivaji’s thoughts as, “ We are Hindus. These Yavans (Muslims) are inferior to us. There is none more inferior than them. I am distressed by serving them, eating food served by them, flattering them or even greeting them. It is so wrong to see the ridicule of one’s own religion. As we walk down the road we see cows being slaughtered. At that time I feel like beheading the killers and the distress grows even more. What is the use of living to see a cow being tormented ? I am compelled to remain silent because of being reprimanded by my father otherwise I feel like killing the one indulging in cow slaughter. It is not at all good to be in the company of Muslims. So also it is inappropriate to go to the court (darbar) of the emperor or to visit any wealthy man.” As soon as he returned from the Vijapur court he would bathe and change his clothing. It is at this very age that young Prince Shivaji showed his valorous nature by chopping off the hand of a butcher who was dragging a cow for slaughter in another kingdom !
Inspiration endowed by Chatrapati Shivaji is very clear from the above incidents. The biographer has strengthened this further in the following words of Shivaji Maharaj, “ We are Hindus. The entire southern region has been invaded by the Muslims and our religion is going downhill. Hence one should not hesitate to sacrifice even one’s life to protect religion. By doing so one would add to one’s treasure of valorous deeds”. Soon thereafter by taking the vow of Raieshvari and conquering the `Torana’ fort Shivaji Maharaj revealed his nature to the world.
Talk about Muslims in Shivaji Maharaj’s army and their valorous deeds !
shivaji-maharaj-slaying-afzalToday people are talking of the concept of `equality of religions’ in society. The Congress party is trying to depict Shivaji Maharaj as non-communal and secular. Nowadays some Hindu protagonists are trying to drag Shivaji Maharaj into the camp of secularism by making statements such as `there were Muslim soldiers in his army’. Really these are pearls of wisdom by these so-called ardent (hypocritical) lovers of Hinduism!
In this context the author of the book 'Marathi Riyasati' and a great historian, Sardessai writes, 'Towards 1649, 500-700 Pathans from Vijapur came to Shivaji Maharaj in search of jobs. Though he did not approve of employing them, he listened to the counsel of Gomaji Naik Pansabal who advised that 'these people have come after hearing about your popularity so please do not disappoint them. If you remain adamant that you will employ only Hindus and that you do not need others then you will not be able to establish a kingdom. So include all eighteen communities of all four varna (classes) of society and allow them to carry out their own duties". So he employed the servitors of Radho Ballal Korde. However the current Hindu protagonists are ignorant about the facts in this context and about how the monarch also ensured that there were spies to keep watch on those Muslim soldiers !
If these 500- 700 soldiers made any attempt to divide the army then as was prevalent in those days, he would also not hesitate to punish them (by throwing them over the cliff). It was not like today when a perpetrator of a heinous crime against the Indian Parliament, instead of being hanged, goes scot free simply because he is a Muslim !
In this context a historian researcher Mr. Ninad Bedekar says, 'A new idea that Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj had 'several' Muslims in his army is being projected. I will quote a few names. You can give me the rest !' When Prince Shivaji came to the Jagirs of Pune, Indore and Supe, of the representatives of Shahajiraje only three were Muslims, namely Siddi Ambar Bagdadi, Jainkhan Peerzade and Bahalimkhan. Another Muslim associated with Shivaji Maharaj was Nurkhan Beg, the chief of his infantry. But the truth is that later at some juncture all these people were driven off because no mention of their names is made anywhere in the historical annals. After the year 1675 these people were nowhere in the picture.
The British army also employed Indians as soldiers. Afzal Khan who attacked Shivaji Maharaj employed 3000 Mawalas in his army, but can we call him secular ? Why then is this cord of secularism wound tightly (like an iguana) only around the necks of Hindus? Claiming that Shivaji Maharaj was secular simply because he had a few Muslim soldiers in his army is an indicator of an over liberal intellect.
Promotion of Sanskrut in honour of Hinduism by Shivaji Maharaj !
Shivaji Maharaj did everything possible to promote Hinduism in every aspect of the fight for independence and establishing his own kingdom. Shivaji Maharaj's assembly of eight ministers was formed based on Hindu ideals. One comes across this concept of eight ministers in the Ramayan and the Mahabharat. King Dashrath too had eight ministers. In the Shantiparva of the Mahabharat also it has been suggested that an exchange of thoughts of eight ministers is necessary. During the coronation ceremony, Maharaj changed the Persian names of the ministers to Sanskrut as follows–
Thinking of Sanskrut names to rename various ministers or forts was a hobby of Shivaji Maharaj. In September 1665, that is around the time of Dasra before leaving on a journey he named all the forts from his kingdom. Malhar Ramrav Chitnis in the biography of the monarch, 'Chatrapati Shivaji Maharajanche Saptaprakaranatmak Charitra' has spoken about the forts saying, "At each place after place Shivaji Maharaj would build a new fort to frighten the enemy. Varugad, Bhushangad, Mahimagad, Vardhangad, Sadashivgad, Macchindragad are some of them". In the book 'Marathyancha Itihas' it is said, "Shivaji Maharaj loved Sanskrut. There are several instances to testify this. He changed the names of forts to Raigad, Vishalgad, Suvarnagad, Vijaydurg, Prachandgad and Pandavgad."”
Consequences of not receiving inspiration from the biography of Shivaji Maharaj
Shivaji Maharaj Birth Anniversary celebrations were started by Lokmanya Tilak. He was followed by Svantrya Veer Savarkar in 1908 in London. Both these leaders were fully aware of the importance of Shivaji Maharaj, but Gandhi and Nehru both kept strict vigilance over this text ever since the independence of India. This is how the fact that a handful of Muslims invaded and destroyed Hindu kingdoms and gained control over the Hindu empire is not known to most Hindus after 1920.
In fact it is because of this misguidance that they accepted the division of India without offering any resistance to it. Non-acceptance of Shivaji Maharaj and his biography, which would have inspired Indians, has resulted in the return of Muslim powers in the form of Pakistan and Bangladesh, to overpower Hindus. It is because the incidents of Shivaji Maharaj tearing open Afzal Khan's abdomen and chopping off Shahishtekhan's fingers being kept secret that today we so easily allow a compromise by releasing hard core terrorists in return for release of the kidnapped daughter of an Indian Minister, Mufti Mohammed.
India's External Affairs Minister flies to the Kandahar desert in a special plane only to release criminals who have butchered Hindus ! In Kashmir Bitta Karate who beheaded 16 Hindus is released on parole ! In the 13 days after killing Afzal Khan, Shivaji Maharaj conquered 16 forts and in contrast within a year of India becoming independent, our politicians lost 1/3rd of our motherland in Kashmir to enemies ! Fearing Shivaji Maharaj's valour, as long as he was alive, Aurangzeb did not dare to even talk about conquering South India. Yet today the cunning, crafty Musharraf arrives in India to disrupt an Agra conference or dares to hang the Indian tricolour upside down on his personal aircraft.
Shivaji Maharaj's subjects being fully aware of the struggle between Righteousness and unrighteousness !
Shivaji Maharaj was fully aware that he had to fight the Mughals so also were his subjects. The situation was such that people were worried as to whether their Maharaj would return alive from the Agra jail. Despite that, the leaders of home rule (swarajya) and the Mawalas did not get unnerved and as per the plan of Shivaji Maharaj they protected his kingdom and ruled it in his absence.
The Mawalas were prepared to sacrifice even auspicious events in their families and were willing to face the jaws of death. Sinhagad, Pavankhind, Agra,... how many more forts does one need to quote ? In this struggle between Righteousness and unrighteousness many parents lost their sons and several women were widowed. They were all fully aware of why they were fighting the Mughals. Rather than wishing that their husbands stay at home, these women supported them in their mission against the Mughals. They clearly choose widowhood, rather than wishing their husbands remain passive but safe as this would have only kept their marital status intact superficially as the women folk would have been raped by the Mughal sardars.
Compare this noble attitude of theirs to the tantrums thrown by the relatives of victims of the plane hijacked by terrorists to Kandahar. Both the central government and the majority of people of India seem to forget whom they are fighting this battle against. The entire country is testimony to this.
The politicians of today and most of the people are still unaware of why we drove the British out of India. Our revolutionary Indian heroes have not shed blood in vain. If only we were to understand this then we would not have played cricket matches with Pakistan which is all set to wipe out Hindus in Kashmir, the land of Sage Kashyap. We would also not have given refuge to Bangladeshi infiltrators and would have driven off the Chinese ambassadors who have tried to stake a claim on Arunachal Pradesh. All this is a consequence of not being inspired by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj to fight for independence and home rule !
Beautiful flowers blossom from the creeper of Bharatiya Rajdharma !
Shivaji Maharaj was a Great King. His admirer Mr. M.S. Vabgaonkar writes, "Shivaji Maharaj is a radiant flower which has blossomed from the Bharatiya creeper of Rajdharma. The great promoter of Bharatiya Rajdharma, Kautilya in His holy text the Arthashastra, has imagined an ideal king and two thousand years later this king has taken birth in the form of Shivaji Maharaj. The king described by Kautilya was one who emphasised on spying, who took full responsibility for procuring all the benefits of an attack onto himself, who was disinterested in worldly and sexual pleasures and was well versed in law and religion besides having an unblemished character and punishing subjects only when required. Even this has proved right as per Kautilya's description in case of Shivaji.
After 1920 the creeper of Bharatiya Rajdharma was nurtured with the harmful manure of 'equality of all religions', pleasing Muslims, etc. and thus from it sprang a number of poisonous flowers in the form of Mohandas-Jawaharlal or Manmohan-Soniya. To stop the blossoming of such vicious flowers, the Bharatiya Rajdharma creeper must be punished with the support of the Sanatan Vedic religion and then watered with pure water from the Ganga in the form of the biography of Shivaji Maharaj ! When this happens, then from every leaf of the creeper will spring beautiful flowers like Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Only then will this creeper reach the skies !
As a young woman, becoming a painter was not a part of Frida's career goals. Her goal in life was to become a doctor but a tragic accident at age 18 changed the course of her life forever.
Frida's life began where it ended… in the "Blue House" built by her father in Coyoacán, Mexico, then a suburb of Mexico City. Her official birth certificate says she was born Magdalena Carmen Frieda Calderon at 8:30am on July 6th, 1907. But, in later years, Frida proudly claimed to have been born at 1:00am on July 7th, 1910, to coincide with the date the Mexican Revolution began, but actually she changed the date to simply make herself younger. She later changed the German spelling of her name from "Frieda" to "Frida". She was the third of four daughters born to a Hungarian/German-Jewish father and a mother of Spanish and Mexican Indian descent: Matilde (1898-1951), Adriana (1902-1968), Frida (1907-1954) and Cristina (1908-1964).
Frida's father, Wilhelm Kahlo, was the son of jeweler Jakob Heinrich Kahlo and Henriette Kaufmann. He arrived in Mexico in 1891 at the age of 19 with little money and "No Hablo Español". Once in Mexico, he changed his German name, Wilhelm Kahlo, to a more Spanish name "Guillermo Kahlo", traded his Jewish religion for atheism, and never looked back. He found employment at a fashionable jewelry store in Mexico City that was owned by the Diener brothers. Soon after his arrival in Mexico, he married Maria Cardena and had three girls with her, the second of which died days after her birth and his wife Maria herself died following the birth of their third infant, leaving Guillermo alone with his two young daughters, Maria Luisa (b. 1894) and Margarita (b.1898). Kahlo himself was not a well man, he suffered from epilepsy throughout his entire life.
On the night of Maria Cardena's death in 1898, Guillermo asked for the hand of Frida's mother, Matilde Calderón y Gonzalez , a 24 year old fellow worker at the jewelry store where Guillermo was employed. Guillermo married Matilde who was a devout Catholic and a native born "mestizo" Mexican (Matilde's mother was Spanish and her father of Mexican/Indian descent ). The Calderon-Kahlo marriage was not a match made in heaven. Matilde later confessed to her young daughter Frida that she did not love Guillermo. She only married Guillermo because he was German and he reminded her of a previous young German lover, Luis Bauer, who had committed suicide in her presence. Shortly after the marriage, Guillermo's two young daughters from his previous marriage were sent away to a nun's school. It was from Matilde's father that Guillermo learned the trade of photography and he set himself up in business as a professional photographer.
When Matilde became pregnant with Frida, she had just lost her only son who died of pneumonia just days after birth. After giving birth to Frida, Matilde was too ill to care for or even to feed her newborn daughter. Frida had to be breastfed by an Indian wet-nurse whom the Kahlo's hired for that specific purpose. This may be the reason that Frida never formed a strong mother-daughter bond with her mother. Frida's wet-nurse experience was the inspiration for her 1937 painting "My Nurse & I". The wet-nurse was eventually fired for drinking on the job.
At age 6, Frida was struck with polio affecting the use of her right leg. Her leg grew very thin, and her foot was stunted in its growth. During her nine month convalescence, her father made sure that she regularly exercised the muscles in her leg and foot. Despite their efforts, her leg and foot remained deformed. Frida attempted to hide it by wearing pants, long skirts or two pairs of socks on her right foot. She was cruelly nicknamed "peg-leg Frida" by her childhood classmates.
In 1922, after completion of her primary education at the Colegio Aleman, Mexico's German school, Frida enrolled at the Escuela National Preparatoria school, where she hoped to become a doctor. The school was located in Mexico City, an hour bus ride from Coyoacan. Frida was one of only 35 girls to attend this prestigious school of 2000 students. Frida's mother did not approve of sending Frida to a school so far from home and further thought it was unnecessary for a young woman to acquire such a formal education. After all, she had taught Frida to cook, sew and clean…all of the skills a woman of those days needed. But Frida's father had great hopes for his "favorite daughter" and was determined to see that she got the best education possible.
At first, Frida thrived on the intellectual and cultural stimulation at the school. By age 16 Frida was able to read not only in Spanish but English and German as well. But Frida soon became bored with the teachers, classes and her classmates and often skipped classes. She became a member of the "Cachuchas", a political group that supported socialist-nationalist ideas and devoted themselves intensively to literature and mischief. The group consisted of 7 boys and 2 girls. The leader of the group was Alejandro Gomez Arias, a law student, journalist and later Frida's first lover. The group would often play pranks on unsuspecting students and teachers. For one of the more serious pranks, Frida was expelled but quickly managed to get the suspension revoked before her family learned of the incident.
During this same period, the "Mexican Renaissance" movement began. The government sponsored local artists to paint murals in churches, schools, libraries, and public buildings. It was at the Preparatioria school that Frida first learned of Diego Rivera, who was painting his mural "Creation" at the school's Simon Bolivar auditorium. Although students were forbidden to enter the auditorium while "El Maestro" was working, Frida would hide in the back and watch him for hours. She became fascinated by the "larger than life" man whom she nicknamed "Panzon" (fat belly). One day she shocked a friend by telling her that she one day wanted to have a child by Diego Rivera.
In September of 1925, Frida was in her senior year and looking forward to graduation and already making plans to attend medical school. But, September 17, 1925 would become the day in which Frida's destiny was changed forever. On that day, Frida and her boyfriend, Alejandro, got onto the bus to head home from school. Shortly afterwards, the bus was stuck broadside by a trolley car. Frida sustained multiple injuries; a broken pelvic bone, spinal column, and other severe injuries, leading doctors to doubt whether she would survive. She spent the next several months in bed recovering from the accident. Little did she know at the time that she would endure some 30 operations throughout her lifetime in an attempt to correct the damage sustained in that accident. Doctor's told Frida that she would probably never be able to carry a child to full term. This accident changed the course of her life forever. It was during her months of convalescence that Frida began to take painting seriously. Her only previous artistic tuition had been a few drawing lessons from the commercial printmaker Fernando Fernandez, for whom Frida worked part-time as a paid apprentice.
Frida's father, an amateur artist, gave Frida his paints and brushes and her mother had a carpenter constructed an easel that sat on her bed. A large mirror was mounted on the underside of the bed canopy so Frida could see herself. She began by painting portraits of herself, friends and still life. Throughout Frida's short life, she created 143 paintings, most of which were self-portraits and still life. Frida feared that after her death she would be forgotten and self-portraits were her way of immortalizing herself.
In 1926, Frida painted her first self-portrait: "Self-Portrait in a Velvet Dress", her first serious work and the first of many self-portraits to come. It was painted as a gift for her boyfriend, Alejandro, who had left her suspecting her of infidelities. Alejandro admired Italian Renaissance art and would often give Frida reproductions of Old Masters paintings. "Self-Portrait in a Velvet Dress" is Frida's interpretation of Botticelli's "Venus" which Alejandro admired.
Frida started the self-portrait in March of 1926 and finished it in September. Prior to sending the painting to Alejandro she wrote him a note of apology:
"Within a few days the portrait will be in your house. Forgive me for sending it without a frame. I implore you to put it in a low place where you can see it as if you were looking at me."
In March of 1927, Alejandro's parents sent him on a four month tour of Europe with his uncle….mainly to separate him from Frida of whom they did not approve. By then Alejandro had also grown tired of Frida and wanted to escape from her "possessive" grip. While he was away, Frida wrote to him often to express her feelings and love for him. Alejandro was supposed to return in July but July came and went and Alejandro was still in Europe. When he finally returned in November there was a brief reconciliation with Frida but soon their relationship diminished and they drifted apart.
By the end of 1927, Frida's health had recovered to the extent that she was once more living a largely "normal" life. Although her school friends had already graduated and moved on to the university, she resumed contact with them and joined the Young Communist League.
At the start of 1928, a friend from her school days introduced her to a group of young people centered around the Cuban Communist Julio Antonio Mella, who was currently in exile in Mexico. One of the group members was the photographer and silent film star Tina Modotti, the lover of Mella and an acquaintance of Diego Rivera. It was at a party hosted by Modotti that Frida finally met Diego Rivera face-to-face for the first time. Frida described their first encounter as distant until Diego pulled his pistol and shot the phonograph. It was then she said: "…that I began to be interested in him although I was also afraid of him". Frida left the party that night without ever speaking to Diego.
Soon after, Frida showed Diego some of her paintings and asked him what he thought of her own efforts and whether he considered her talented. "You have talent..." Diego told her and encouraged her to continue painting. Diego was not only impressed by her paintings but with Frida herself and began courting her. It was during their courtship that Diego suggested Kahlo begin wearing traditional Mexican clothing, which consisted of long, colorful dresses and exotic jewelry.
Diego incorporated a portrait of Frida into his "Ballad of the Revolution" mural in the Ministry of Public Education. She appears in a panel he called "Frida Kahlo Distributes the Weapons". Dressed in a black skirt and red shirt, and wearing a red star on her breast, she is shown as a member of the Mexican Communist Party, which she in fact joined in 1928. Rivera continued to be a frequent visitor at the "Blue House".
On August 21, 1929, in a civil ceremony in the town hall of Coyoacán and wearing clothes borrowed from her Indian maid, Frida Kahlo married Diego Rivera. Diego was 42 years old, 6' 1" and 300 pounds; Frida was 22, 5'3" and just 98 pounds. Frida's mother did not approve of the union and did not attend the wedding ceremony. She said that Diego was too old, too fat and worse yet he was a Communist and an atheist. She described the marriage as being: "… the marriage between an elephant and a dove." Frida's father however, an atheist himself, was less resistant to the marriage and did attend the wedding ceremony. He understood that Diego had the financial means to provide for his daughter's medical needs. On one of Diego's frequent visits to the Kahlo home, Frida's father took Diego aside and said, "My daughter is sick and always will be….she's intelligent but not pretty…I see that you are interested in my daughter…eh..?" When Rivera replied that he was, Kahlo said, "She is a devil". "I know…" Diego replied. "Well, I've warned you," Kahlo said and left the room. Frida's father was the only one to attend the wedding ceremony. Some of Frida's friends were shocked by her choice while others saw it as a way to advance her own career as an artist.
The local newspaper, La Prensa, described the wedding as "…modest, without ostentation, without pompous and unpretentious". The article started by identifying Frida as "….one of his [Diego's] disciples" and then went on to describe her attire as "…very simple street clothes". After the wedding Frida moved out of the Blue House to live with Diego in the center of the city.
At the wedding reception that followed, Diego proceeded to get obnoxiously drunk. In a drunken rage he broke another mans little finger, broke several items on the table and brandished his pistol. Frida was furious at his behavior. They argued and Frida left in tears.
Frida soon became pregnant but had to undergo an abortion because the fetus was incorrectly positioned due to her fractured pelvis. Frida disparately wanted a child but Diego did not want children partly because his painting commissions obligated them to travel a great deal.
Shortly after their marriage, Diego was expelled from the Communist Party after accepting another commission from the Mexican government. As a result of Diego's expulsion, Frida also left the Communist Party.
During this period, the North Americans were very interested in the cultural development of the so-called "Mexican Renaissance" movement in Mexico. The United States represented a powerful magnet for Mexican artists to profit from its more strongly developed art market. Rivera was determined to capitalize on the opportunity and accepted a commission to paint murals for the San Francisco Stock Exchange and the California School of Fine Arts.
On November 10th, 1930, the newly-wed couple left Mexico for a three-year sojourn in the United States. Their first stop was San Francisco where Diego was commissioned to paint murals in the San Francisco Stock Exchange Luncheon Club and the California School of Fine Arts (San Francisco Art Institute). They moved into a large studio at 716 Montgomery Street that belonged to Ralph Stackpole, San Francisco's leading artist in the 1920s and 1930s. Although they arrived at the beginning of the "Great Depression", there always seemed to be money for murals and lavish welcoming parties. San Francisco's elite society idolized Diego but scrutinized Frida as just an object of curiosity. Other than her trips to China Town where she fell in love with the Chinese children, Frida was unimpressed with San Francisco. She avoided the people whom she described as "boring" and "they all have faces like unbaked rolls". In a letter to her friend, Isabel Campos, Frida wrote: "I have no women friends…and that's why I spend my time painting".
Up to this point, Frida had painted only to amuse herself and never considered herself to be an artist. She would often accompany Diego to his worksite and paint small paintings on pieces of tin or board. In 1931, while in San Francisco, Frida painted "Frieda and Diego Rivera", a folkloric style double-portrait that may have been based on a wedding photograph. The painting, shown at the "Sixth Annual Exhibition of the San Francisco Society of Women Artists", was the first public showing of her work. A San Francisco newspaper article described the work as being "…valuable only because it was painted by the wife of Diego Rivera".
The couple remained in San Francisco while Diego worked on the commissioned murals. During this time, the pain and deformity in Frida's right leg worsened and she was hospitalized. There she met Dr. Leo Eloesser, a well-known surgeon. He diagnosed her physical problems as being stress related and recommended bed rest and a healthy diet. Dr Eloesser became Frida's friend and most trusted medical advisor for the rest of her life. Frida painted his portrait as an expression of her gratitude for his friendship and medical advice.
The Rivera's planed to return together to Mexico on June 8th after Diego finished the murals. Frida, however, bored with "Gringolandia", left in May. Diego left on June 8th as scheduled. While back in Mexico, Frida met the Hungarian born photographer Nickolas Muray who was vacationing in Mexico and visiting friends. Muray was a well known and socially prominent fashion photographer from New York. They were immediately attracted to one another and began a secret "on-again/off-again" love affair that would last for nearly 10 years.
In November the Rivera's sailed aboard the Morro Castle to New York to attend the opening of Diego's retrospective exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art on December 22. Upon their arrival in New York, the couple was greeted by New York's rich and famous but the spotlight again was on Diego. Frida was simply referred to as "the young Mexican girl on the arm of Diego Rivera" and described as "shy" and "...did a bit of painting herself". In New York, as in San Francisco, Frida was ignored as an artist and had no identity of her own. She continued to be referred to only as "Mrs. Rivera". Diego's exhibit consisted of 150 works and 8 mural panels. The show was an over whelming success...only adding to Diego's popularity and status.
In April of 1932, the couple moved to Detroit where Rivera had been awarded a commission from the Ford Motor Company to paint a mural at the Detroit Institute of Arts. While in Detroit, they stayed in a one-bedroom furnished apartment in the Wardell, a large residential hotel. The hotel was conveniently located at 15 Kirby East and Woodward Avenue, across the street from the Detroit Institute of Arts where Diego would be working. Having lived in cosmopolitan New York, Frida was not impressed with Detroit....she referred to it as "a shabby old village". Frida became pregnant once again but after only three and a half months her second pregnancy ended in miscarriage at the Henry Ford Hospital. Diego never wanted children and Frida knew it. She took quinine in an attempt to abort, but it did not happen right away. On July 4th, Frida was hospitalized with severe hemorrhaging and later suffered a miscarriage. She spent the next 13 days recovering in the hospital. Her painting "Henry Ford Hospital" documents every aspect of the tragic event.
In early September of 1932, Frida received word that her mother was gravely ill. She and her friend Lucienne Bloch returned to Mexico. On September 8 they arrived in Coyoacán and on September 15, Frida's mother died after suffering from breast cancer and gall-bladder surgery just two days earlier. Despite Frida's attempts to bond with her mother, they always remained distant. She referred to her mother as "El Jefe"....(The Boss). Frida recalled that "I have my father's eyes and my mother's body". Frida was her father's favorite daughter. "She is the most intelligent of all my daughters and the most like me" he would say.
On October 21, Kahlo and Bloch returned to Detroit where Diego continued work on his murals. After completing the Detroit murals in March of 1933, Diego and Frida traveled to New York City where Rivera was commissioned to paint a mural in the Rockefeller Center. While Diego painted the mural, Frida began work on her painting "My Dress Hangs There"… a painting that expressed her discontentment with the United States, its social decay and its fundamental human values. In this painting, Frida expresses her dim view of the United States which is just the opposite view of Diego's who was expressing his approval of the industrial progress in his own mural. Frida was homesick and wanted to return to Mexico but Diego insisted that it was for the best if they stayed in the United States.
In early May, Rockefeller confronted Rivera about the use of Lenin's portrait in the mural. Rockefeller pleaded with Rivera to paint over the portrait but Rivera refused, reminding Rockefeller that he had reviewed the preliminary sketches and approved them. As a compromise, Rivera offered to include a bust of Abraham Lincoln...but no deal. On May 9th, 1933, Rivera's Rockefeller Center commission was abruptly terminated and the unfinished mural was destroyed. Four days later, General Motors canceled the Chicago World's Fair commission.
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj (February 19, 1627 - April 3, 1680) is a principle of effulgence, rather a divine inspiration. He is certainly not human, he is God. Shivaji Maharaj is a Primal God who took birth in a divine and pure culture. In history, no other religion has produced such an immaculate personality. One has yet to see a monarch who despite being powerful did not use his powers to torment, who despite being glorified was not arrogant, who conquered valorous enemies and who despite being a human functioned as a God !
Quote: People who sing and dance in a procession organised to celebrate the birth anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj will never understand his importance. However the one who puts in efforts like him will be able perceive his greatness and surrender at his feet!
- H.H. Dr. Jayant Athavale, Sanatan Sanstha
Biography of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj
Shivaji Maharaj : Inspiration to protect Hinduism!
Talk about Muslims in Shivaji Maharaj's army and their valorous deeds!
Promotion of Sanskrut by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj !
Consequences of not receiving inspiration from Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj
Subjects being fully aware of the struggle between Righteousness and unrighteousness !
Beautiful flowers blossom from the creeper of Bharatiya Rajdharma!
Quotes about Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj
Samartha Ramdas Swami, Spiritual Guru of Shivaji Maharaj
H. Sambhaji Rao Bhide Guruji, Founder, Shivapratishthan, Maharashtra
A contemporary poet named Bhushan
Defamation of Shivaji Maharaj by modern Aurangzebs! !imp!
What YOU can do?
Shivaji Maharaj : An everflowing spring of inspiration
shivaji-maharaj-smallShivaji Maharaj and his biography has an answer for any problem faced by a Hindu or Indian politicians; however for this purpose the biography should be read with shrewdness and insight. If read by Hindus with the immoderate vision of Gandhi with respect to non-violence, truth, pleasing Muslims, or through the coloured spectacles of Nehru, who with the concept of 'all religions are equal', meted out inferior treatment to Hindus, then Hindus will not even become aware of when they were circumscribed ! Gandhi, Nehru and their descendants had created terror in the minds of the people about what they would have to suffer if they even uttered the name of Shivaji Maharaj. Shivaji Maharaj has been totally eliminated today from the history text books at the Secondary school level. History on Shivaji Maharaj is taught and finished in the 3rd or 4th standards as if they are fairy tales for children to read and forget. Politicians have ensured that the youth and adults do not get any inspiration from the biography of Shivaji Maharaj simply because it is an ever flowing spring of inspiration for Hindus ! This article is a small effort made to get a sip of water from this pure spring on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Shivaji Maharaj tomorrow ! - Compiler: Shri. Sanjay Mulye, Ratnagiri
Shivaji Maharaj’s inspiration to protect Hinduism !
shivaji-maharaj-bhavanimataShivaji Maharaj was fully aware that he had to fight the Mughals since childhood . In his book 'Chatrapati Shivaji Maharajanche Saptaprakaranatmak Charitra’ Malhar Ramrav Chitnis has described the mindset of Prince Shivaji when living with his father Shahajiraje at Vijapur. He pens Prince Shivaji’s thoughts as, “ We are Hindus. These Yavans (Muslims) are inferior to us. There is none more inferior than them. I am distressed by serving them, eating food served by them, flattering them or even greeting them. It is so wrong to see the ridicule of one’s own religion. As we walk down the road we see cows being slaughtered. At that time I feel like beheading the killers and the distress grows even more. What is the use of living to see a cow being tormented ? I am compelled to remain silent because of being reprimanded by my father otherwise I feel like killing the one indulging in cow slaughter. It is not at all good to be in the company of Muslims. So also it is inappropriate to go to the court (darbar) of the emperor or to visit any wealthy man.” As soon as he returned from the Vijapur court he would bathe and change his clothing. It is at this very age that young Prince Shivaji showed his valorous nature by chopping off the hand of a butcher who was dragging a cow for slaughter in another kingdom !
Inspiration endowed by Chatrapati Shivaji is very clear from the above incidents. The biographer has strengthened this further in the following words of Shivaji Maharaj, “ We are Hindus. The entire southern region has been invaded by the Muslims and our religion is going downhill. Hence one should not hesitate to sacrifice even one’s life to protect religion. By doing so one would add to one’s treasure of valorous deeds”. Soon thereafter by taking the vow of Raieshvari and conquering the `Torana’ fort Shivaji Maharaj revealed his nature to the world.
Talk about Muslims in Shivaji Maharaj’s army and their valorous deeds !
shivaji-maharaj-slaying-afzalToday people are talking of the concept of `equality of religions’ in society. The Congress party is trying to depict Shivaji Maharaj as non-communal and secular. Nowadays some Hindu protagonists are trying to drag Shivaji Maharaj into the camp of secularism by making statements such as `there were Muslim soldiers in his army’. Really these are pearls of wisdom by these so-called ardent (hypocritical) lovers of Hinduism!
In this context the author of the book 'Marathi Riyasati' and a great historian, Sardessai writes, 'Towards 1649, 500-700 Pathans from Vijapur came to Shivaji Maharaj in search of jobs. Though he did not approve of employing them, he listened to the counsel of Gomaji Naik Pansabal who advised that 'these people have come after hearing about your popularity so please do not disappoint them. If you remain adamant that you will employ only Hindus and that you do not need others then you will not be able to establish a kingdom. So include all eighteen communities of all four varna (classes) of society and allow them to carry out their own duties". So he employed the servitors of Radho Ballal Korde. However the current Hindu protagonists are ignorant about the facts in this context and about how the monarch also ensured that there were spies to keep watch on those Muslim soldiers !
If these 500- 700 soldiers made any attempt to divide the army then as was prevalent in those days, he would also not hesitate to punish them (by throwing them over the cliff). It was not like today when a perpetrator of a heinous crime against the Indian Parliament, instead of being hanged, goes scot free simply because he is a Muslim !
In this context a historian researcher Mr. Ninad Bedekar says, 'A new idea that Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj had 'several' Muslims in his army is being projected. I will quote a few names. You can give me the rest !' When Prince Shivaji came to the Jagirs of Pune, Indore and Supe, of the representatives of Shahajiraje only three were Muslims, namely Siddi Ambar Bagdadi, Jainkhan Peerzade and Bahalimkhan. Another Muslim associated with Shivaji Maharaj was Nurkhan Beg, the chief of his infantry. But the truth is that later at some juncture all these people were driven off because no mention of their names is made anywhere in the historical annals. After the year 1675 these people were nowhere in the picture.
The British army also employed Indians as soldiers. Afzal Khan who attacked Shivaji Maharaj employed 3000 Mawalas in his army, but can we call him secular ? Why then is this cord of secularism wound tightly (like an iguana) only around the necks of Hindus? Claiming that Shivaji Maharaj was secular simply because he had a few Muslim soldiers in his army is an indicator of an over liberal intellect.
Promotion of Sanskrut in honour of Hinduism by Shivaji Maharaj !
Shivaji Maharaj did everything possible to promote Hinduism in every aspect of the fight for independence and establishing his own kingdom. Shivaji Maharaj's assembly of eight ministers was formed based on Hindu ideals. One comes across this concept of eight ministers in the Ramayan and the Mahabharat. King Dashrath too had eight ministers. In the Shantiparva of the Mahabharat also it has been suggested that an exchange of thoughts of eight ministers is necessary. During the coronation ceremony, Maharaj changed the Persian names of the ministers to Sanskrut as follows–
Thinking of Sanskrut names to rename various ministers or forts was a hobby of Shivaji Maharaj. In September 1665, that is around the time of Dasra before leaving on a journey he named all the forts from his kingdom. Malhar Ramrav Chitnis in the biography of the monarch, 'Chatrapati Shivaji Maharajanche Saptaprakaranatmak Charitra' has spoken about the forts saying, "At each place after place Shivaji Maharaj would build a new fort to frighten the enemy. Varugad, Bhushangad, Mahimagad, Vardhangad, Sadashivgad, Macchindragad are some of them". In the book 'Marathyancha Itihas' it is said, "Shivaji Maharaj loved Sanskrut. There are several instances to testify this. He changed the names of forts to Raigad, Vishalgad, Suvarnagad, Vijaydurg, Prachandgad and Pandavgad."”
Consequences of not receiving inspiration from the biography of Shivaji Maharaj
Shivaji Maharaj Birth Anniversary celebrations were started by Lokmanya Tilak. He was followed by Svantrya Veer Savarkar in 1908 in London. Both these leaders were fully aware of the importance of Shivaji Maharaj, but Gandhi and Nehru both kept strict vigilance over this text ever since the independence of India. This is how the fact that a handful of Muslims invaded and destroyed Hindu kingdoms and gained control over the Hindu empire is not known to most Hindus after 1920.
In fact it is because of this misguidance that they accepted the division of India without offering any resistance to it. Non-acceptance of Shivaji Maharaj and his biography, which would have inspired Indians, has resulted in the return of Muslim powers in the form of Pakistan and Bangladesh, to overpower Hindus. It is because the incidents of Shivaji Maharaj tearing open Afzal Khan's abdomen and chopping off Shahishtekhan's fingers being kept secret that today we so easily allow a compromise by releasing hard core terrorists in return for release of the kidnapped daughter of an Indian Minister, Mufti Mohammed.
India's External Affairs Minister flies to the Kandahar desert in a special plane only to release criminals who have butchered Hindus ! In Kashmir Bitta Karate who beheaded 16 Hindus is released on parole ! In the 13 days after killing Afzal Khan, Shivaji Maharaj conquered 16 forts and in contrast within a year of India becoming independent, our politicians lost 1/3rd of our motherland in Kashmir to enemies ! Fearing Shivaji Maharaj's valour, as long as he was alive, Aurangzeb did not dare to even talk about conquering South India. Yet today the cunning, crafty Musharraf arrives in India to disrupt an Agra conference or dares to hang the Indian tricolour upside down on his personal aircraft.
Shivaji Maharaj's subjects being fully aware of the struggle between Righteousness and unrighteousness !
Shivaji Maharaj was fully aware that he had to fight the Mughals so also were his subjects. The situation was such that people were worried as to whether their Maharaj would return alive from the Agra jail. Despite that, the leaders of home rule (swarajya) and the Mawalas did not get unnerved and as per the plan of Shivaji Maharaj they protected his kingdom and ruled it in his absence.
The Mawalas were prepared to sacrifice even auspicious events in their families and were willing to face the jaws of death. Sinhagad, Pavankhind, Agra,... how many more forts does one need to quote ? In this struggle between Righteousness and unrighteousness many parents lost their sons and several women were widowed. They were all fully aware of why they were fighting the Mughals. Rather than wishing that their husbands stay at home, these women supported them in their mission against the Mughals. They clearly choose widowhood, rather than wishing their husbands remain passive but safe as this would have only kept their marital status intact superficially as the women folk would have been raped by the Mughal sardars.
Compare this noble attitude of theirs to the tantrums thrown by the relatives of victims of the plane hijacked by terrorists to Kandahar. Both the central government and the majority of people of India seem to forget whom they are fighting this battle against. The entire country is testimony to this.
The politicians of today and most of the people are still unaware of why we drove the British out of India. Our revolutionary Indian heroes have not shed blood in vain. If only we were to understand this then we would not have played cricket matches with Pakistan which is all set to wipe out Hindus in Kashmir, the land of Sage Kashyap. We would also not have given refuge to Bangladeshi infiltrators and would have driven off the Chinese ambassadors who have tried to stake a claim on Arunachal Pradesh. All this is a consequence of not being inspired by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj to fight for independence and home rule !
Beautiful flowers blossom from the creeper of Bharatiya Rajdharma !
Shivaji Maharaj was a Great King. His admirer Mr. M.S. Vabgaonkar writes, "Shivaji Maharaj is a radiant flower which has blossomed from the Bharatiya creeper of Rajdharma. The great promoter of Bharatiya Rajdharma, Kautilya in His holy text the Arthashastra, has imagined an ideal king and two thousand years later this king has taken birth in the form of Shivaji Maharaj. The king described by Kautilya was one who emphasised on spying, who took full responsibility for procuring all the benefits of an attack onto himself, who was disinterested in worldly and sexual pleasures and was well versed in law and religion besides having an unblemished character and punishing subjects only when required. Even this has proved right as per Kautilya's description in case of Shivaji.
After 1920 the creeper of Bharatiya Rajdharma was nurtured with the harmful manure of 'equality of all religions', pleasing Muslims, etc. and thus from it sprang a number of poisonous flowers in the form of Mohandas-Jawaharlal or Manmohan-Soniya. To stop the blossoming of such vicious flowers, the Bharatiya Rajdharma creeper must be punished with the support of the Sanatan Vedic religion and then watered with pure water from the Ganga in the form of the biography of Shivaji Maharaj ! When this happens, then from every leaf of the creeper will spring beautiful flowers like Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Only then will this creeper reach the skies !
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