Happy 1st Anniversary Quotes Biography
Source(google.com.pk)Dear Ashlee and Pete,
I can't believe how time flies. It has been already a year since you two got married. Together with your fans (and ashlee-star.com's visitors) we would like to show you some love through our messages . We hope you are having an amazing anniversary. Best wishes and we hope to see many more anniversaries.
Love, Radekk // ashlee-star.com
From Emilie
Congratulations with your 1st Wedding Anniversary! Hope you have a nice, relaxing day with the cutest child ever, Bronx. Love you both, so keep up your good work professionally! Norway is going to celebrate the day with you, since it is our national day today!
From Gabriel
Happy Anniversary Ashlee and Pete! i hope you had a great year so far im sure you did because Bronx is the littlest cutest thing ever! i hope you have more great years to come together so we can celebrate each year with you, oh and good luck on Melrose Place Ash and good luck on your Tour Pete, hope you have a great anniversary day!
From Judy
Dear Ashlee and Pete, congratulations on your first wedding anniversary!
You guys make a great couple, and your son Bronx is adorable <3
I support you both and would like to wish you good luck for your future.
Lots of love from Judy, Germany
From Nienke
Dear Ash and Pete.
Congrats with your first wedding anniversary!
You're really cute together. Tell Bronx I said hi :)
From Keiren
Mr. and Mrs Wentz
Happy Anniversary to you two both! I wish you guys the best and more happy years together. :) You guys Rock!
From Akvile
Dear Ashlee and Pete,
Can you believe that you're married for a year now? That's insane! It looks as if it was yesterday when you annouced that you're engaged... And now you already have your little baby boy.. It's awesome to see how you love each other and your baby. CONGRATULATIONS for your 1st wedding anniversary! I wish you all the best and only the best. Keep doing what you're doing. Love you guys.
P.S. Bronx is the cutest baby EVER!!!
From Vera
Heyy Ash&Pete.
You're amazing. I LOVE ya. I'm your huge fan from Hungary. Your baby boy,Bronx is amazing! :) He's cute. Congratulations for your 1st Anniversary!!!
I'm fan of Ash since 2004,but she wasn't so famous in Hungary back then, But today she's a SUPERSTAR. Ash,you're stunning,I love your voice and your style.
LOVE YAAAA, lots of love& greetings from Hungary,
From Erica
Pete and Ashlee,
Congratulations on your first wedding anniversary. I cannot believe it's been a year already, it must have flown by for you two as well. I hope the next fifty years are as great as the last one has been for you. Congratulations again.
From Jenny
Ashlee and Pete
Happy Anniversary. I can't believe that it has been a whole year since you two go married. I think you guys are the most beautiful couple ever and it gives me hope that one day i well find my own love. I love how you always have each others backs,love each other with such compassion,take care of each other,support one another, and everything. You were meant for each other in every single way. Bronx's has two amazing parents and he is very thankful. By the way he is the most beautiful/cutest baby ever, he looks like both of you :D. I hope you two have a wonderful First Anniversary. I love you both.
From Eleanor
Happy Anniversary!
WOW! What an awesome year for both of you! You had amazing albums come out, got married, and then had a beautiful son! I can't wait to see more from Ashlee in the years to come (please be in more musicals) and I know Pete and the rest of the guys are going to continue to surprise us with what amazing things they can produce.
Here's to many more years just like this one!
From Chloe
Hi Ashlee,
Just wishing you a very happy wedding anniversary! Have a great day. Give my best wishes to Pete and Bronx also. Btw my names Chloe, i'm 13 years old from england and i love your music soooooo much i am your number 1 fan and i absouletely love you n your voice and your songs. I would tell you which one i like the most, except thats a really hard question cos i love all of them but heres a few of my real favourites: In another life, shadow, beautifully broken (thats a beautiful song), Dancing alone, kicking and screaming, catch me when i fall, Little miss obsessive, hot stuff (really cool) bittersweet world, eyes wide open, autobiography, pieces of me (ofcourse), outta my head, invisible and no time for tears. I no its a pretty long list but i love all your songs really. My biggest dream EVER is that someday when u do your next tour (please be soon!) that you will come to England, please, please, please, i would die to see you sing and maybe to meet you too.
Lots of love from your no. 1 fan, Chloe ( I have loads more to write but dont know if you would have time to read it al ;) )
From Alvaro
I wish you the best 1st wedding anniversary ever… you guys are such a cute family and Bronx is adorable and Ashlee I’m like your biggest fan hehe… much love from Costa Rica!!
From Sarah
Dear Ashlee and Pete,
Just wanted send my congratulations for your first wedding anniversery. The love you both share for each other is amazing, as is your beautiful baby boy. All the best for the future and heres to many more anniverserys to come.
From Arielle
Ashlee & Pete,
Congratulations!! A whole year already!!!
You two seem to be a very close couple that actually does truly love each other. I wish you two nothing but the best for the rest of your lives, and a love that will hopefully grow stronger and each and every day.
Congratulations again, and hope to see more adorable little Wentz's!! <3
From Anna
Hi Ashlee and Pete, I just wanted to take the time to write this short message and tell you guys, I hope you have a Happy Anniversary and many more to come. You guys are the best you do soooooo much for all us fans and it means a lot. Hope baby Bronx is doing good he is so cute and he looks like both of you guys put together. Thank you for every thing you do for us and this Country and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY.
ps. Thanks for coming to North Carolina Pete it was a great show and as for Ashlee you should definitely come to North Carolina on your tour (when you have one) we love you here. Who know maybe you should move down here hahahahah just kidding Happy Anniversary guys.
From Erik
Hey, Pete and Ash, congrats on your first year anniversity and having your first child Bronx. Ashlee almost a year ago last month I saw you perform live on Jimmy Kimmel Live, I was there live when you sang on stage. It's amazing how much you grew from a budding teen star 5 years ago to a great woman - a wife then a mother all in a year. As a guy, I think you're an inspiration to my elementary school students. Pete, I remember that went over and sign autographs to us fans at that Jimmy Kimmel Live taping after the show. You didn't have to do it, but you went out of your way for your fans and added new fans. I'm in the later, and after I saw you did that, you really conveinced me that Ashlee picked the right man to be with her for the rest of her life - as a guy who had a crush on Ashlee all these years, that's saying a LOT! So I hope you enjoy your first anniversity and hopefully more to come.
From Kate
Dear Ashlee & Pete,
Congratulations on your first Anniversary! You have such a beautiful and talented family, and you deserve everything and more.
Love, Kate
From Twyn
Just wanted to wish the two of you happy anniversary, you guys are too cute together!
From Kayleigh
Dear Guys :D
Hope you have a Great 1 year Wedding Anniversary, you guys are really a testimony to true love every time i see a picture of you two i can just see the love in your eyes and you have stuck together to all the crap that has happened in your lives and now you have one of the cutest sweetest rock'nest baby in the world and it has just made you closer together and i'm so glad, you guys are my two favorite people in music and i hope you guys will keep going for a long time and have a great 2nd marital year keep sharing the love lol :D
From Sam
Happy Anniversary!!!!! I cant believe its already been 1 year!!! I’m sure there will be many more to come :D I hope you have a great day, and I look forward to seeing you both on tour some day! Good luck with “Melrose Place” Ashlee, cant wait to see you on it!
Lots of love!
Sam, Lauren, Paul, Anna, Amy, Jake, Olivia and everyone in the class
Ashlee you so have to tour in the UK, if you don’t we will see you in the states, we are saving our money as we speak haha!!!!
From Jacqui
Happy Anniversary Ashlee and Pete! Congratulations on your first year as husband and wife, wishing you many more years (and babies! Bronx is so cute!) to come. Lots of love, from Jacqui
From Jackie
Dear Ashlee and Pete,
You both truly are my heros. I am so happy for you two on your first wedding anniversary. May you have many many more. I hope you guys liked that painting. I love you both.
From Lois
To Ashlee and Pete
Happy 1st Wedding Anniversary, Hope you've had a great year and have many more to come :) Plus Bronx is the cutest little boy ever :) Have a great day.
From Mel
Hey guys,
Happy 1 year anniversary! I can't believe its been a whole year already. Time just goes by way too fast. I'm sure you guys are doing something romanic to celebrate... unless I'm totally wrong and you guys end up doing something crazy. But either way I know you'll have an amazing anniversary. You guys are so cute together and I know you'll last forever & ever & ever. & your son is adorable, by the way. If you ever need a babysitter, I'm always free. ;)
From Manuelangels
Happy Aniversary Wentzlee! I'm so glad that you guys are in your 1st year married! it's amazing how the time is going so fast, also baby Bronx birthday is coming!, well all my best wishes and congratulations you're such a amazing couple and you guys have a long way 2 go but I'm sure that you'll doing excellent because it's difficult not see the love between each other so much, just make a good party because this deserves to be celebrate!. Well to Pete, keep rocking man you're doing amazing with FOB like always and you're so careful with Bronx (it's difficult not see your twitter because your recurrents updates) take care of Ashlee because she's the love of my life (joking) but she's something near... To Ashlee, well Ash I'm a desperate fan of you since you came out with 7th Heaven, you're such an amazing and it's hard to describe you because you have so many good things, I'm happy because you're happy and I'm sure all the truly fans think the same with me. I can't wait to see you in Melrose Place, I will be in the first row to watch the first episode! and well keep taking care of Bronx because you're a good mother and please update your twitter!. Best wishes for one of the most amazing couple of this era! Hugs and Blessings to Bronx!. Love ya guys..
From Evelien
Dear Ashlee & Pete,
Wow, you’re already married for a whole year!!! How times flies… Even for us, your fans. I could write a complete story to congratulate you two, but I’m gonna keep it short and sweet. There are few who are so lucky to have the things you do, companionship and friendship, and loving feelings, too. As friends we wish these pleasures will last forevermore. For we know that you will ever be A couple whom we adore.
Happy anniversary Ashlee & Pete, I hope you can spend many more lovely years with eachother.
From Laura
I am so happy for you guys. You make eachother sooooo happy and everyone knows that:) I couldn't be happier for neither of you. I check up on you both everyday just to make sure that everything is going ok:) I know that you love each other alotttt:) I went to the fob show in N.C and met you guys and pete was sooo sad because Mrs. Wentz wasn't there...you might remember me pete, i was the on ewhp said i was completly obssed with you and ashlee.You have changed eachother soooooo much and its really amahhing:) Ashlee you are soooo beautiful and sweet and Pete you are soooo handsome and funny....i can't stand when people hate on you ashlee because youre with pete and they know they will never be with him because youuuuuu have his heart and only you. You both are just made for each other. I have never saw pete so happy, but with you he's much much happier!!!!! When you are together pete looks at you and his eyes just glowww......its really cool how he married his dreamgirl:) thats really neat. i tell all my friends that so they want hate you.... none of my friends do:) i hate people who hate you:) hahaha.....i think you are more than perrrfect for pete and he knows that. Ashlee youre so sweet and Pete you are veryyy romantic, i read about your wedding and the hole tent thing:) thats cute. I hope you NEVER split...i would be soooo crushed hahaha. really alot of people would...pete you know you couldnt find anyone better than ashlee and you said it yourself:) i hope you both last forever and ever....congrats on the 1 year and wish you many many many many many many amny many many many many many moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i love you both:) and really happy for you both:)
From Andy
Hi! .. I write you to wish you a very happy anniversary and congratulate you for the beautiful family that you have. From Chile we love you a lot: Bronx, Pete and Ashlee! We are waiting for you here! Kisses and keep up, because you are beautiful.
From Gaby
Hey! Im gaby from Cusco Peru Im so fan of both (speccialy ash) I think she's amazing I just want to say you happy aniversary I know this a special day for them so congratulations for be the perfect couple I hope that you stay together for the rest of time best wishes and have a nice aniversary.
A superhuge hug from here Cusco to wherever you are!
P.S: Bronx is so cute!!
From Ricki
Dear Pete and Ashlee,
Congratulations on your one year anniversary! I'm so happy for both of you! You two have a beautiful baby boy, he is so cute! I hope you both have a wonderful anniversary. I hope I can find the right person to share my life with like both of you have. You both have showed me that true love does exist. I love you all!
From Lisa
Ashlee & Pete !
The 1st Wedding Anniversary is a special day and I hope you enjoy it with every heart beat :)
And so I wish you the very best of life and love.
You both are great, I wish you the best for your little family :)
From Nicole
Dear Ashlee and Pete,
CONGRATS! You guys make an ADORABLE couple and im really glad to see you guys still going strong. Hopefully youll love will last for ever and ever and ever :D
From Aya
happy 1st Anniversary to Ashlee and Pete! i hope you have a great married,always love each other!!!
From Kate
congratulations you guys you made it one year, hope many, many more years to come with you two. i love you guys both.
From Megan
Congratulations to my two favorite people in the entire world! I'm so happy for you pete and ash!
From Nichole
Dear Pete and Ashlee Wentz,
I know this may seem weird but this took me alot of thought to wright this to you, it truly is hard to put that Wentz at the end of your names. I know you both are extreemly happy together and I am so happy for you two.
Pete, you really grew up so fast, it was hard for me to put things together in my mind, I mean you are my idol and I look up to you. At first you were just in a band, not looking to be huge, I could probably meet you after a show with no M&G passes, then in a blink of an eye your every girls dream, on the billboards, and I can't even meet you anymore because everyone loves FOB.
Ashlee, at first I wasn't sure about you, I didn't know if I liked you or not, but then I just realized that I was jealous. You have the perfect life, your famous, you can sing and what matters most is that you have a beautiful son and a wonderful husband that any girl would love to have. You music is so catchy and I hope one day, I can sing/ preform my own music to fans, like you.
So, I wrote you two this little congrats letter to show you how I felt. And sometime I think, what would happen if you guys wern't together, what would happen if there was no Bronx, then I realize you guy's life wouldn't be the same and everything would be so different, a huge change that you probably don't want to have. Some of my friends think I'm crazy because I care about you two so much, including BX. I just tell them that it's a natural instinct.
Everything went by so fast, you dated, you got pregnant, you got married and had a baby. When I first heard you two were engaged I didn't know what to do, I was confused, I was happy, I was upset, all at the same time. Then you had Bronx, he is adorable, and by the time he came along I realized, you two are so happy, I wouldn't want that to go away either because I love seeing you two happy.
Congratulations on your first year, and the others that follow. Thank you for being so kind to your fans, both of you. And this congratulations letter came from my heart, it is like my little diary. I can not even believe it has already been a whole year. That goes by fast.
One year ago, the James McCartney Fan Club was launched with the aim of providing information about James McCartney’s music. Our wish was also that the fans could find a place to share their common passion.
A year already and what a year! A year full of music, events and shows!
So let’s remember some highlights of this exciting year:
- The launch of the Complete EP Collection on November 22th 2011 Bonus Tracks included
- The US television debut on the Late Show with David Letterman on January 30th 2012
- The UK Tour in April 2012 including a show at the Cavern Club, Liverpool
- The North American Tour in May/June 2012, with three new songs
- First concert in Russia (Moscow) on September 1st 2012
- The show at Bestival on the Isle of Wight (UK) on September 8th with a live streaming
- New official videos in September 2012
- The solo acoustic show at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC, on October 6th, with three new songs
Some of these events were the occasion for fans to meet. The shows in New York and the one at the Cavern Club in Liverpool were great moments where friendships were born! And the concert at the Bestival was very special too because it allowed all of us, from Russia to the United States via Netherlands or Great Britain…, to watch James’s performance at the same time!
Now let’s celebrate the James McCartney Fan Club’s first anniversary all together!
All together…including James who takes part of the celebrations with wonderful gifts: a special Q&A for his fans HERE and a special handwritten “Happy 1st Birthday Fan Club”!
Thank you so much James!
And thanks to all Fan Club members: we hope to celebrate many other anniversaries with you! For now, enjoy the Q&A with James and feel free to tell us what your highlights of this year were!
The James McCartney Fan Club Team
If I could built a fortress of words and thoughts and broken dreams I would...
Mayte Negrete
12 months ago
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Posts: 535
A great year without a doubt!
Of all the words I know LOVE is still the best
12 months ago
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Posts: 1009
Yes a great year that went very fast with full of wonderful moments, surprises, fun and new friends !
It was an exciting year and now we have a new year to come that is going to be very busy !!
Thank you James and thanks to all our great Fan Club members
True love at first sight
Els van Duin
12 months ago
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Posts: 133
Happy 1st Birthday to all the members and especially to the 'founders'.
I love you whoever is right
12 months ago
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Posts: 38
Thank you Faustine, Gaetan, Marjorie and Mayte for establishing the Fan Club and for all the effort you have put into it over the past year. You have given us a fantastic place to share our appreciation for James' music, and it was a pleasure to meet at least some of you in person. Hopefully there will be many more James concerts in the future to share enjoy together!
Happy Birthday!!!
Christine Warren
12 months ago
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Posts: 56
Localisation: USA
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday JMFC
Happy Birthday to YOU (and all of us)!!!!
<!-- s:beer: -->
I could love you if you'd love me to the moon and back
12 months ago
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Posts: 29
Birthday Cake!!!
12 months ago
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Posts: 351
Localisation: Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Q&A What a present to us all!
James is reading Gogol! Can't believe. I feel excited at the very thought of him holding this book in his hands It's Russian classic from the 19th century, and I didn't know an Englishman can be interested in reading Gogol as he is sooo Russian and especially "Dead Souls" is about old Russian reality. My late mum read it to me when I was in my teens, and we loved it and discussed it... One of our best moments together... Great choice James! Intellectual reading
Thanks to James, and thank you the Fan Club! I love you all
God is close at hand
12 months ago
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Posts: 351
Localisation: Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Thank you David, it was delicious
God is close at hand
12 months ago
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Posts: 29
Arrow: Thank you David, it was delicious
Thank you, I'm glad you like it!
Christine Warren
12 months ago
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Posts: 56
Localisation: USA
OMG Arrow, that is so funny!! LOL!!!!
Arrow: Thank you David, it was delicious
I could love you if you'd love me to the moon and back
12 months ago
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Posts: 962
Localisation: Paris
Happy Birthday Fan Club, Happy Birthday to all of us !!! <3
A big thanks to Mayte and Marjorie the founders of this wonderful Fan Club! And a big thanks to our genius Gaetan! What a privilege to be part of the team since April!
It was an amazing year! What a joy to see James on stage for the 1st time at the Barfly Camden (London) in December and what great moments I spent with very nice people/members in Liverpool (In April during the UK tour and… later this summer! )
So I completely agree with you VKS: we want other gigs to share great time together again!
David: yummy birthday cake!!! Thanks!
Arrow: as soon as I read James’ answer about Gogol I thought of you! I didn’t know the lovely story about your mum of course, but I was sure you would be touched about the answer. I've never read Gogol’s books (yet!)...but I knew him through quotations.
If I could built a fortress of words and thoughts and broken dreams I would...
12 months ago
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Posts: 351
Localisation: Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Arrow: as soon as I read James’ answer about Gogol I thought of you! I didn’t know the lovely story about your mum of course, but I was sure you would be touched about the answer. I've never read Gogol’s books (yet!)...but I knew him through quotations.
If you ever have a mind to read Gogol you should try "The Overcoat" and "The Portrait" (I don't know the French titles, unfortunately). I think you'll like them Faustine
God is close at hand
12 months ago
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Posts: 962
Localisation: Paris
Thanks for the advice Arrow: I'll read them and tell you what I think! (The French titles "Le manteau" and "Le portrait" ).
If I could built a fortress of words and thoughts and broken dreams I would...
12 months ago
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Posts: 351
Localisation: Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Faustine: Thanks for the advice Arrow: I'll read them and tell you what I think! (The French titles "Le manteau" and "Le portrait"
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