Happy Marriage Anniversary Quotes Biography
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We recently revealed 20 celebrity couples who have been married 25 years or more. Actress Marlo Thomas wrote a sweet tribute about her own marriage to the love of her life, Phil Donahue. The two lovebirds just celebrated 32 years of wedded bliss on May 21st.
Another celebrity icon is celebrating a long-term marriage anniversary -- Dolly Parton!
Dolly and her handsome reclusive husband, Carl Dean, no doubt will do something very special on May 30th as they celebrate their 46th wedding anniversary. We're guessing it'll be a little more exciting than visiting a Ben & Jerry's ice cream parlor.
I had the pleasure of interviewing Dolly several years ago at Dollywood, her theme park in Tennessee. A few highlights:
Given the huge divorce rate, did you ever consider packing it in or do you have the perfect marriage?
Well, there's no perfect marriage, and, no, I've never thought about packing it in. I just kick his ass and go on the road. (Laughs) Or, he'll kick mine and go to the barn. We never argue or bicker back and forth. I've never wanted to be married to anybody but Carl, and even if he died, I don't think I'd ever marry again. I may date or something, but I think he's probably it for me.
What's your husband's best trait and his most annoying habit?
My husband is a very accepting person of me. That's his best quality. He lets me be me. His worst is, I can't get him out of the house to do enough stuff. (Laughs)
Over the years, the country superstar has shared some "Dollyisms" regarding her marriage. We revisit some of her thoughts on what's kept their marriage going strong, four years shy of a quarter century below. (We even have a great video slide show revealing some vintage pictures of Dolly and Carl -- he hasn't allowed himself to be photographed in years, but you'll see how handsome he was back when they first met.)
Dolly on flirting:
"I love to flirt, and I've never met a man I didn't like. Men are my weakness. Short, fat, bald or skinny -- I've had crushes on some very unusual men. But Carl knows I'll always come home and I'm not having sex with these people -- I'm just flirtin' and having fun."
How Carl makes her feel pretty:
"He always makes me feel pretty, even when I'm not. He'll say, 'I like it when you wear your hair up high,' and he even has clothes of mine in his closet that he'll bring out once in a while and say, 'See if you can still get into this.' I love dressing up for him. I think Carl will always see me the way he did when we first met, just as I do him. We'll never be old to each other."
The importance of spending time apart:
"We're good friends first of all, and we knew each other before I got to be a star, so it's not like one of those where I have to worry that he loves me for some other reason than what we loved each other for [initially]. He's very kind, very understanding, crazy, funny, witty. He's a homebody... I have my freedom. He likes to stay at home and he doesn't want me in his face all the time and I don't want to be in it, so it works good! ... We're very different and they say opposites attract...we respect each other's space and we like each other a lot."
On cheating:
"If we cheat we don't know it, so if we do cheat, it's very good for both us. I don't want to know it, if he's cheating on me. If I'm cheating on him, he wouldn't want to know it. And if we do, if that's what's making it work, then that's fine too."
But then, on Oprah.com, she later qualifies the "open marriage" rumors and past comments being taken out of context:
"That just means we let each other be who we are and how we are. But I'd kill him if I knew he was with somebody. We love people. He knows I'm a flirt and a tease, but it's harmless. I've never met the man that would take his place."
On Carl's need for privacy:
'Early on in my career, I'd won [Song of the Year] in 1966, and I asked him to go with me. ... He was so uncomfortable. He said: 'Now I want you to do everything you want to do. I want you to enjoy every minute of your life. But don't you ever ask me to go to another one of these things. Because I am not going. He's proud of me. He's just basically shy about things like that. He doesn't like crowds. And I respect his privacy. I respect the fact that he loves to be out of the limelight. That's one of the reasons I think we've lasted so long.'"
Here is a great fan video of Dolly and Carl from the early days. Turn up the sound and enjoy!
Dolly Parton
Marriage Quotes:
Don't worry that children never listen to you; worry that they
are always watching you.
Robert Fulghum
The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.
Theodore Hesburgh
If the marriage ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.
Scott Gardner
I didn't marry you because you were perfect. I didn't even
marry you because I loved you. I married you because you
gave me a promise. That promise made up for your faults.
And the promise I gave you made up for mine. Two imperfect
people got married and it was the promise that made the marriage.
And when our children were growing up, it wasn't a house that
protected them; and it wasn't our love that protected them - it was that
Thornton Wilder, The Skin of Our Teeth
Marriage is a promise. Not just between the couple but to
the community at large, to generations past and to those yet to be born.
I was talking to a friend who said she wants her children to be able to look back and
say, "I want a great marriage like my Mom and Dad had." That struck me.
I think we have a good marriage but do we put each other down sometimes? Yup. Do
I snap at him for silly reasons? Yup. Do we seem really happy to our kids? Not sure. I hope so.
3Peanuts Blog
To get the full value of joy
You must have someone to divide it with.
Mark Twain
One of the nicest things you can say to your partner, "If I had it to do
over again, I'd choose you. Again."
My dad always asks my wife, "Is he treating you right?" It reminds me of my responsibility
to be a good husband.
National Fatherhood Initiative Why Knot? handbook
My dad told me on the day of my wedding, 'Never go in a place that you wouldn't take your wife.'
David Gibbs, Mt. Juliet, TN, married 51 years
Don't be a buzz kill. When your spouse shares something exiting, match their enthusiasm.
We heard this at a wedding: 'If you are going to argue, argue naked.'
Peg and Harry Williams, Nashville, TN
My wife’s actions are a mirror. The way that my wife is acting toward me says more about me than it does about her. It says something about her too, but if I can focus on my half of the equation, I’ll make way more progress in resolving conflict and building a healthy relationship.
Newlywed Darrel at http://tinyurl.com/6sp972k
Marriage is survived just on the basis of ordinary etiquette, day in and day out. Also cooking together helps a lot. I've seen all these marriages that failed. Those people are always hollering at each other. That doesn't work. Do you remember the '70s, they had all these 'empowering' groups where you tell everybody everything? That doesn't work in a marriage either. That's stupid."
Jim Harrison
Research has shown a child who sees his mother mistreated is more damaged than
if the child himself is abused.
Steven Stosny, compassionpower.com
Isn't it time some real financial support was made available for the growth and
development of truly healthy and happy marriages?
David Mace, 1982
One dollar up front prevents the spending of many dollars down the road.
Marion Wright Edelman, Children's Defense Fund
You need only do three things in this country to avoid poverty - finish high school,
marry before having a child, and marry after the age of 20. Only 8 percent of the families
who do this are poor; 79 percent of those who fail to do this are poor.
William Galston, Clinton White House
You can't be value free when it comes to marriage.
Al Gore, June, 2001
The principal objective of American government at every level should be to
see that children are born into intact families and that they remain so.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Finally, preliminary research shows that marriage education workshops
can make a real difference in helping married couples stay together and
in encouraging unmarried couples who are living together to form a more
lasting bond. Expanding access to such services to low income couples,
perhaps in concert with job training and placement, medical coverage,
and other services already available, should be something everybody can agree on..."
Barack Obama, Audacity of Hope, 2006, p.334
As we work to strengthen marriage on a societal level, we must not neglect our
own marriages. What good will it be for a man if he strengthens all the marriages
in the community and loses his own way?"
Senator Bill Hardiman, chair, Greater Grand Rapids Community Marriage Policy
The secret to having a good marriage is to understand that marriage must
be total, it must be permanent, and it must be equal.
Frank Pittman
Optimism is America's birthright.... There is no social problem Americans
dare not attack. No problem, that is, except one: about marriage,
and marriage alone, we despair.
Maggie Gallagher
They say it takes a village to raise a child. That may be the case,
but the truth is that it takes a lot of solid, stable marriages to create a village.
Diane Sollee, smartmarriages.com
We took our time [preparing for marriage], we looked forward to it; didn’t
want to run into something and have nothing to count on but love...”
Aunt May, Spider-Man 3, 2007
Get Married
Stay Married
What a concept.
The Snipe
Live so that when your children think of fairness, caring and
integrity, they think of you.
H. Jackson Brown, Jr
I got gaps; you got gaps; we fill each other's gaps.
What counts in making a happy marriage is not so much how
compatible you are, but how you deal with incompatibility.
Leo Tolstoy
Love is what you've been through with somebody.
James Thurber
The most important marriage skill is listening to your partner in a way that
they can't possibly doubt that you love them.
Diane Sollee, smartmarriages.com
When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand.
Karl Menninger
Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person, they are almost indistinguishable.
David Augsburger
When asked his secret of love, being married fifty-four years to the same
person, he said, "Ruth and I are happily incompatible."
Billy Graham
Any fool can have a trophy wife.
It takes a real man to have a trophy marriage.
Diane Sollee, smartmarriages.com
One advantage of marriage, it seems to me, is that when you fall
out of love with each other, it keeps you together until maybe
you fall in love again.
Judith Viorst
We just say: the divorce didn't work out.
Joe, who remarried his wife after they divorced
A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always
with the same person.
Mignon McLaughlin
Ann Meara of the comedy team Stiller and Meara observed awhile
ago in a New York Times interview of her 30-plus year marriage,
"Was it love at first sight? It wasn't then - but it sure is now."
Ann Meara, New York Times
For most people, a life lived alone, with passing strangers or passing
lovers, is incoherent and ultimately unbearable. Someone must be
there to know what we have done for those we love.
Frank Pittman
Or, put another way, and 'borrowed' from Pittman:
Why is it that people get married?
Because we need a witness to our lives.
There’s a billion people on the planet.
What does any one life really mean?
But in a marriage, you’re promising to care about everything…
The good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things,
All of it… all the time, every day.
You’re saying “Your life will not go unnoticed because I will notice it.
Your life will not go unwitnessed - because I will be your witness.”
Wife in the movie, "Shall We Dance?" 2004
I knew couples who’d been married almost forever – forty, fifty, sixty years.
Seventy-two, in one case. They’d be tending each other’s illnesses, filling
in each other’s faulty memories, dealing with the money troubles or the
daughter’s suicide, or the grandson’s drug addiction. And I was beginning
to suspect that it made no difference whether they’d married the right person.
Finally, you’re just with who you’re with. You’ve signed on with her, put in a half
century with her, grown to know her as well as you know yourself or even better,
and she’s become the right person. Or the only person, might be more to the point.
I wish someone had told me that earlier. I’d have hung on then; I swear I would.”
Anne Tyler, "A Patchwork Planet"
The heart of marriage is memories.
Bill Cosby
I now think of marriage like I think about living in my home state of Minnesota.
You move into marriage in the springtime of hope, but eventually arrive at the
Minnesota winter, with its cold and darkness. Many of us are tempted to give up
and move south at this point, not realizing that maybe we’ve hit a rough spot
in a marriage that’s actually above average. The problem with giving up, of course,
is that our next marriage will enter its own winter at some point. So do we just
keep moving on, or do we make our stand now – with this person, in this season?
That’s the moral, existential question we face when our marriage is in trouble.
Bill Doherty, DrBillDoherty.org
What greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are
joined for life - to strengthen each other in all labor, to rest on each
other in all sorrow, to minister to each other in all pain, to be one with
each other in silent, unspeakable memories at the moment of the last parting.
George Elliott (aka Mary Anne Evans), Adam Bede
I was burned out from exhaustion, buried in the hail, poisoned in the bushes,
blown out on the trail; hunted like a crocodile, ravaged in the corn,
"Come in," she said, "I'll give ya shelter from the storm."
Bob Dylan
Committing to staying calm is the first key to committing to staying married.
Hal Runkel founder of the Scream Free Institute
Commitment has kind eyes. He wears sturdy shoes.
Everything is vivid when he is around. It is wonderful to sit
and have lunch in his gardens around harvest time. You
can taste in the vegetables that the soil has been cared for.
J. Ruth Gendler
Marriage, like a submarine, is only safe if you get all the way inside.
Frank Pittman
Commitment is making a choice to give up other choices.
Scott Stanley
People stay married because they want to, not because the doors are locked.
Paul Newman
Don't just follow your heart because your heart can be deceived...
but LEAD your heart.
Fireproof, the movie
In the consumer culture of marriage, commitments last as long as the other
person is meeting our needs. We still believe in commitment, because we
know that committed relationships are good for us, but powerful voices
coming from inside and outside tell us that we are suckers if we settle for
less than we think we need and deserve in our marriage. Most baby boomers
and their offspring carry in our heads the internalized voice of the consumer
culture—to encourage us to stop working so hard or to get out of a marriage
that is not meeting our current emotional needs.
Bill Doherty, DrBillDoherty.org
Divorce to like an amputation. Sometimes it's necessary but it should be
avoided if at all possible because it brings about a permanent disability.
Bill Doherty, DrBillDoherty.org
Divorce is not healthy for children, or other living things.
Diane Sollee, SmartMarriages.com
Marriage is the hardest thing you will ever do. The secret is removing divorce as
an option. Anybody who gives themselves that option will get a divorce.
Will Smith (11 years into his second marriage)
I'm not advocating for loveless marriages. But it's also the case that marriage
doesn't make us happy every day. No marriage does, but your marriage serves
as so much more than just a vehicle for immediate individual adult needs. It makes
one world for your child, and children will tell you that means everything to them.
Elizabeth Marquardt, Between Two Worlds
Money often costs too much.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Marriage, ultimately, is the practice of becoming passionate friends.
Harville Hendrix
I think a man and a woman should choose each other for life, for the
simple reason that a long life with all its accidents is barely enough time for
a man and a woman to understand each other and. . . to understand - is to love."
William Butler Yeats
Ultimately the bond of all companionship, whether in marriage or in friendship,
is conversation.
Oscar Wilde
There is such pleasure in long-term marriage that I really would hate to be
my age and not have had a long-term marriage. Remember, sustaining a pleasurable,
long-term marriage takes effort, deliberateness and an intention to learn about
one another. In other words, marriage is for grown-ups.
Cokie Roberts, From This Day Forward
Friends don't let friends get divorced.
Diane Sollee, smartmarriages.com
The grass looks greener . . . but it's Astroturf.
From the report, "Does Divorce Make People Happy?"
If the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, it's because
they take better care of it.
Cecil Selig
As for his secret to staying married: "My wife tells me that if I ever
decide to leave, she is coming with me."
Jon BonJovi
I like not only to be loved, but to be told that I am loved; the realm of
silence is large enough beyond the grave.
George Eliot
It's you I like,
It's not the things you wear.
It's not the way you do your hair,
But it's you I like.
The way you are right now
The way down deep inside you
Not the things that hide you
Not your diplomas...
They're just beside you.
But it's you I like,
Every part of you,
Your skin, your eyes, your feelings,
Whether old or new.
I hope that you'll remember
Even when you're feeling blue,
That it's you I like,
It's you yourself, it's you
It's you I like!
Mr Rogers
Grow old along with me. The best is yet to be - the last of life for
which the first was made.
Robert Browning
Dear Abby: Some months ago, you printed a letter from a reader
who was disturbed that the spark was gone from her marriage.
I asked my husband whether the spark is gone from our 18-year marriage.
His response: "A spark lasts only a second. It lights a fire. When
the flame burns down, we are left with the hottest part of the fire,
the embers, which burn the longest and keep the fire alive."
Betty in Cap May, N.J.
Society should try to help more children grow up with their two
biological, married parents in a reasonably healthy, stable relationship - not
to pay homage to a Victorian notion of propriety, but because the
overwhelming consensus of research shows that's the very best way to raise children.
Happy Marriage Anniversary Quotes For Him For Husband For Boyfriend For Parents Form Wife To Husband For Wife For Girlfriend Tumblr For Mom And Dad
Happy Marriage Anniversary Quotes For Him For Husband For Boyfriend For Parents Form Wife To Husband For Wife For Girlfriend Tumblr For Mom And Dad
Happy Marriage Anniversary Quotes For Him For Husband For Boyfriend For Parents Form Wife To Husband For Wife For Girlfriend Tumblr For Mom And Dad
Happy Marriage Anniversary Quotes For Him For Husband For Boyfriend For Parents Form Wife To Husband For Wife For Girlfriend Tumblr For Mom And Dad
Happy Marriage Anniversary Quotes For Him For Husband For Boyfriend For Parents Form Wife To Husband For Wife For Girlfriend Tumblr For Mom And Dad
Happy Marriage Anniversary Quotes For Him For Husband For Boyfriend For Parents Form Wife To Husband For Wife For Girlfriend Tumblr For Mom And Dad
Happy Marriage Anniversary Quotes For Him For Husband For Boyfriend For Parents Form Wife To Husband For Wife For Girlfriend Tumblr For Mom And Dad
Happy Marriage Anniversary Quotes For Him For Husband For Boyfriend For Parents Form Wife To Husband For Wife For Girlfriend Tumblr For Mom And Dad
Happy Marriage Anniversary Quotes For Him For Husband For Boyfriend For Parents Form Wife To Husband For Wife For Girlfriend Tumblr For Mom And Dad

Happy Marriage Anniversary Quotes For Him For Husband For Boyfriend For Parents Form Wife To Husband For Wife For Girlfriend Tumblr For Mom And Dad
Happy Marriage Anniversary Quotes For Him For Husband For Boyfriend For Parents Form Wife To Husband For Wife For Girlfriend Tumblr For Mom And Dad
Happy Marriage Anniversary Quotes For Him For Husband For Boyfriend For Parents Form Wife To Husband For Wife For Girlfriend Tumblr For Mom And Dad
Happy Marriage Anniversary Quotes For Him For Husband For Boyfriend For Parents Form Wife To Husband For Wife For Girlfriend Tumblr For Mom And Dad
Happy Marriage Anniversary Quotes For Him For Husband For Boyfriend For Parents Form Wife To Husband For Wife For Girlfriend Tumblr For Mom And Dad
Happy Marriage Anniversary Quotes For Him For Husband For Boyfriend For Parents Form Wife To Husband For Wife For Girlfriend Tumblr For Mom And Dad
Happy Marriage Anniversary Quotes For Him For Husband For Boyfriend For Parents Form Wife To Husband For Wife For Girlfriend Tumblr For Mom And Dad
Happy Marriage Anniversary Quotes For Him For Husband For Boyfriend For Parents Form Wife To Husband For Wife For Girlfriend Tumblr For Mom And Dad
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